In addition, although most of these problems can be solved in polynomial time in tree networks, they are NP-hard in cyclic networks (see [4] for an analysis of the complexity of these problems). For this reason the main effort has been orientated to design efficient algorithms to solve ...
Stricker N, Kuhnle A, Hofmann C, Deininger P (2021) Self-adjusting multi-objective scheduling based on Monte Carlo Tree Search for matrix production assembly systems. CIRP Ann 70:381–384. Article Google Scholar Schmidt G (1998) International Journa...
Being a more realistic variant of MSTP, in this article, based on the principles of the uncertainty theory, we have studied a multi-objective minimum spanning tree problem (MMSTP) with indeterminate problem parameters. Subsequently, two uncertain programming models of the proposed uncertain ...
Various heuristic and exact methods have been devised to solve it. GA shows good performance on solving static optimization problem [29]. In MOKP, a major challenge is to generate efficient solutions that have the property that no improvement on any objective is possible without sacrificing ...
The data arrangement problem on regular trees (DAPT) consists in assigning the vertices of a given graph G to the leaves of a d-regular tree T such that th
think of simplified cases then extend/reduce to them (reduce a[i] = 0/1, array->tree->graph, 2^x->k, lower constraint) or imagine assuming something you wish exists already exists (like data structure often range query, constraint eg for bsearch, previous knowledge, etc.) and solving ...
Since the production and inventory areas are highly interrelated, approaching this problem in an integrated manner should provide benefits, underscoring the relevance of lot sizing. In lot sizing literature, the objective is to determine the timing and quantity of production that minimises the set-up...
\end{aligned}$$ is a valid lower bound for the optimal objective function value of the x -parameterized problem ( 2 ). the method to process node j of the branch-and-cut search tree that exploits an extended formulation (as stated in the last two lemmas) is formally stated ...
This article proposes a multi-objective ring tree problem with secondary sub-depots (MORTPSSD), which focusses on the problems of telecommunication and log
Each resource k∈R can only perform one skill per activity i and is disjunctive, meaning that a resource k is not able to work on two activities at the same time. The objective is to minimize the makespan, calculated by the finish time of the final activity. All the data in the MSRC...