Process steps to implement an Objective Analysis Tree are analogous to those ofProblem Analysis Tree. Root causes and consequences are renamed into respectively: root solutions / means (what it is needed to reach an objective), and: ends (what will be achieved if the objective is reached). ...
Single-objective-based decision-tree analysis has been extensively and successfully used in numerous decision-making problems since its formal introduction by Howard Raiffa more than two decades ago. This paper extends the traditional methodology to incorporate multiple noncommensurate objective functions and...
analysis was applied to distinguish the gradients α-economic, β-ecological, and γ-equilibrium. As expected, the solutions have high diameter changes in the residual stand (average removal of approximately 16 m3ha−1). All solutions showed a grouping of trees selected for harvesting, although ...
Therefore, the Monte Carlo tree search used by Silver and Veness is infeasible with such a large action space. This issue with the action space, or the “curse of dimensionality” of the action space, is a common problem when it comes to using RL for maintenance optimization problems because...
AnyLint - Lint anything by combining the power of Swift & regular expressions. IBLinter - A linter tool for Interface Builder. OCLint - Static code analysis tool for improving quality and reducing defects. Swiftlint - A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions....
View PDF Efficient learning of Bayesian networks with bounded tree-width International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Volume 80, 2017, pp. 412-427 Siqi Nie,…, Qiang Ji View PDF Cell signaling as a probabilistic computer International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Volume 83, 2017, pp. 385...
Data analysis and motion correction in the tree shrew were performed using procedures written in MATLAB (MathWorks) or Java package for running ImageJ within MATLAB (Miji). For network-level analysis, the fluorescence signal for each pixel was calculated as ΔF/F, whereF0is the baseline fluo...
The multiobjective generalized sensitivity analysis and the tree-structured density estimation procedures were used in combination to investigate correlation structure in the parameter space while accounting for multiple objectives. Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool, this framework was applied to the...
We provide a correctness proof and complexity analysis of the algorithm and statistically evaluate the performance under different representation of demonstrations.This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. ...
The stretch factor is an interesting objective function in itself that is to be minimized in, e.g., the Minimum Max-Stretch Spanning Tree (MMST) problem (Cai and Corneil 1995). Feasible solutions for the MSp are defined less restrictive than t-Spanners. We define a spanner of a connected...