Std.Error估计标准误,T-StatisticT统计值,ProbT统计值的伴随概率,具体还是问问 看表格中第一个数据,这就是他们之间的相关系数,OUT是什么变量 这个是eviews的常识SE是标准误t就是t统计量p是概率,这个都不知道吗?我经常帮别人解决这方面的数据分析问题的
Define prob.. prob. synonyms, prob. pronunciation, prob. translation, English dictionary definition of prob.. abbreviation for 1. probable 2. probably Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers
计量经济学词汇意思 Variable变量 Coefficient系数 Std.Error标准误差 t-Statistict统计量 Prob.P值\边际显著性水平 R-squareed拟合优度 Meandependentvar因变量均值 AdjustedR-ssquared调整拟合优度 S.D.dependentva因变量标准差 S.Eofregression回归标准差 AkaikeinfocriterionAkaike...
group1=np.random.normal(loc=0,scale=1,size=100)group2=np.random.normal(loc=0.5,scale=1,size=100)t_statistic,p_value=stats.ttest_ind(group1,group2)print("t统计量:",t_statistic)print("p值:",p_value) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ...
是的,prob是P值。P值(probability value)是检验统计量超过(大于或小于)具体样本观测值的概率。 在回归分析中,prob指的是回归系数t统计量值的伴随概率,用于检验系数估计值是否显著异于零。具体来说,prob值(即P值)是通过计算得到的,用于评估在给定数据下,回归系数为零的假设是否成立。 prob(F-statistic)即F统计量...
2.1097 0.034888 EmpStatus 0.88565 0.293 3.0227 0.0025055 CustIncome 0.70164 0.21844 3.2121 0.0013179 TmWBank 1.1074 0.23271 4.7589 1.9464e-06 OtherCC 1.0883 0.52912 2.0569 0.039696 AMBalance 1.045 0.32214 3.2439 0.0011792 1200 observations, 1192 error degrees of freedom Dispersion: 1 Chi^2-statistic vs....
Statistic A number that describes some characteristic of a sample. Parameter A number that describes some characteristic of a population. Resistant A statistical measure is resistant if it isn't sensitive to extreme values. Median The midpoint of a distribution, the number such that about half the...
whether the buildings in a certain city are higher, on average, than buildings in other cities. He takes a large random sample of buildings from the city and finds the mean height of the buildings in the sample. He calculates the value of the test statistic, z, and finds that z = ...
0.70164 0.21844 3.2121 0.0013179 TmWBank 1.1074 0.23271 4.7589 1.9464e-06 OtherCC 1.0883 0.52912 2.0569 0.039696 AMBalance 1.045 0.32214 3.2439 0.0011792 1200 observations, 1192 error degrees of freedom Dispersion: 1 Chi^2-statistic vs. constant model: 89.7, p-value = 1.4e-16...