Proactive Versus Reactive Control Strategies Differentially Mediate Alcohol Drinking in Male Wistars and P Ratsdoi:10.1523/ENEURO.0385-23.2024Morningstar, M. D.Timme, N. M.Ma, B.Cornwell, E.Galbari, T.Lapish, C. C.eNeuro
Proactive VS Reactive 最近被人批评proactive需要加强,查阅了资料,真正理解了proactive。 What 什么是proactive,这段英文写的特别好: Proactivity or proactive behavior refers to self-initiated behavior that endeavors to solve a problem before it has occurred. Proactive behavior involves acting in advance of a...
“I control my success. While I’m impacted by external stimuli, how I respond is up to me and always based on my values.” “I depend only upon myself for my results.” Reactive: “This situation or its condition has caused my failure, it’s not my fault.” “I act based on my...
To examine the impact of reward, control (proactive vs reactive), and age on cognitive control, we focused on the flanker effect of RT and accuracy within the reward block only. For RT flanker effect, results revealed main effects of both reward, b = −6.77, t(196.85) = −...
Reactive vs Proactive 为了弄清楚到底proactive是什么,我们可以对照其对立面消极被动(reactive)。 Reactive people are often affected by physical, social, and psychological environment. Proactive people, though influenced by these external stimuli, respond to the stimuli with value-based choice or response. ...
Top inset: proportion of proactive vs reactive responses with RT as estimated by PSIAM for each animal, averaged across rats; shaded area: s.e.m. Left inset: sketch of the impact of trial index on AI’s drift. Source data are provided as a Source data file. Full size image Fatigue ...
control to optimize task performance.Several paradigms,such as AX-CPT,combined with ERP/fMRI techniques,have been utilized to investigate proactive and reactive control,revealing the temporal dynamics and location of brain activity(e.g.,lateral PFC) under proactive versus reactive control.The tradeoff ...
controlnetworkbecausethatwouldcreateachicken-and-eggproblem. thereareveryfewcompaniesthatstillsupportthereactiveend-to-endopenFlowmodel.themodelisnotscalable, anditharkensbacktotheolddaysofprocessswitching,whichisnotusedbyanymodernswitchanymore. Overlays IntheearlydaysofsdN,thereweresomecompaniesusingthereactiveen...
Reactive peopletry to spend emotional energy more on things which they cannot control. For example, if the Football team one is supporting is losing the match, reactive people tend to be more upset about it. Proactive peopledon’t focus on things which are not in their control. For example...
Results show that: College students prefer proactive control to reactive control; Relative to the low depressed individuals, proactive cognitive control and reactive cognitive control of high depression individual are damaged;Positive emotions can reduce high/low level of depression of college students' ...