The approach is proactive instead of reactive, as bike repositioning occurs before inefficiencies are observed. The framework is tested using data from the Hubway Bikesharing system. Simulation results indicate that system performance improvements of 7% are achieved reducing the number of empty and full...
While it’s great to live in the moment, it is also great to be proactive, not reactive. This involves preparing for the future, understanding different points of view, finding your zen, and taking back control of your life. Why? Being proactive gives you that control. It puts the steeri...
4. Focus on the planning & preparation,而不是focus on the problems. 5. On the cause side instead of effect side.你可以做一些事情来影响事情的走向,而不是坐等事情发生以后处理。 对应的是reactive behavior。 1. 等着什么问题发生,计划问题发生以后再随机应变,以为这样可以节省准备的精力。但是后续会花费...
Here’s the deal. All of the tips I have given you above are about being proactive instead of reactive.They are about controlling your normal so that you can then deal with the unexpected with grace. Taking some time to plan for the everyday (and emergencies) like you would plan for a...
The approach is proactive instead of reactive, as bike repositioning occurs before inefficiencies are observed. The framework is tested using data from the Hubway Bikesharing system. Simulation results indicate that system performance improvements of 7% are achieved reducing the number of empty and full...
9.We need to beproactive, but that's a needle in a haystack. 我们得先发制人 但那是大海捞针 10.But we have to start beingproactiveinstead of reactive. 但是我们必须先发制人 而不是坐以待毙 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词proactive的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
Whenever you are doing reactive tasks instead of proactive tasks, you are procrastinating. You see, what procrastination does is this: It makes you do reactive tasks instead of proactive tasks, because they are easier, safer, and with immediate benefits. For all I know, you could add tasks ...
Remember how we were taught to be proactive instead of reactive? This concept was behind a lot of our collection management policies. "Buy the books before the patrons ask for them." What ever happened to this philosophy, and how is it reflected in today's globally networked computer ...
No matter what kind of success you want to achieve in life, whether it is at work or in your personal life, you need to be proactive. People who are reactive will wait for things to happen. They are the ones who will sit and do what most people are doing. And as a result, they...
event. As long as I can listen to music and roll down the windows, I actually get a kick out of driving. And, if there are no mishaps along the way, that’s even better — but there will always be a mishap — if you aren’t prepared. Be proactive, not reactive with your time....