pro_bar接口已经可以提取股票(日/周/月,复权)、基金(日)、期货(日)、数字货币(分/日)数据,请升级Python SDK 到最新版(1.2.17) 全部讨论 兔哥,期货数据好像并不能通过 pro_bar 获取到?比如 pro_bar('IF.CFX', api, '20181201') 要做主升chaoguboy 2018-12-01 23:59 大哥,pro_bar没办法取分钟级别...
pro = ts.pro_api() df = ts.pro_bar(api=pro, ts_code='000001.SZ', adj=None, start_date="20190101", end_date="20200420") print df def main(): print "\nDEBUG: TuShare Start - " ## Test Body test() ## End of Test Body print "DEBUG: End of TuShare" if name == 'main'...
import tushare as ts TOKEN = '...' #注册后即有token ts.set_token(TOKEN) df=ts.pro_bar(ts_code='603956.SH', adj='qfq') #前复权数据 ,关于code,深圳票或创业板票是 000002.SZ 或 300017.SZ df.to_excel('G:\machinelearning\gpdate\sfq603956.xlsx') #保存至excel...
其它:由于本接口是集成接口,在SDK层做了一些逻辑处理,目前暂时没法用http的方式调取通用行情接口。用户可以访问Tushare的Github,查看源代码完成类似功能。2、通过ts_pro_bar获取一连串K线列表#取000001的前复权行情df = ts.pro_bar(ts_code='000001.SZ', adj='qfq', start_date='20180101', end_date='20181011...
请升级Tushare sdk到最新版1.4.7,修正了ts.pro_bar接口的bug,另外上线了转融通四个数据接口,欢迎使用。网页链接 全部讨论 tushare安装好,spyder没法识别使用,请教咋回事?
import tushare as ts data=ts.pro_bar(ts_code=',,', freq='D', adj='qfq', start_date='2021-01-19', end_date='2021-01-19') print(data) ts_code trade_date open high low close pre_close 0 000001.SZ 20210119 22.5100 22.8400 22.0500 22.3400 22.7000 ...
关于pro_bar(..ts.pro_bar(ts_code='300059.SZ', adj='hfq', start_date='20000101', end_date=&
报错:AttributeError: module 'tushare' has no attribute 'pro_bar' 129206
Tushare-package (1)pro_api (2)pro_bar (2)Index6 Tushare-package Interface to’Tushare Pro’API Description Helps the R users to get data from"Tushare Pro"."Tushare Pro"is a platform as well as a com-munity with a lot of staffs working infinancial area.We supportfinancial data ...