Is it also correct to assume that the education provided by private schools, whether faith-inspired or secular, is on average of better quality than that provided by public schools, or at least that the satisfaction of parents with the schooling provided to their children is higher in private ...
2004. Assessment of the Role of Private Schools in the Development of Education in Ghana: A Study of the Kumasi Metropolis. Journal of Science and Technology 24(2): 54–75Nsiah-Peprah, Yaw. 2004. Assessment of the Role of Private Schools in the Development of Education in Ghana: A study...
, and K ilgore (1 982),have suggested that “other things equal,private schools are more effective learning institutions”(Hall & Vedder.2004。P . 77).Ankomah (2002) intimated that inspite of the effort of the govern ment of Ghana at providing sound education . especia11v at the ba...
Household choice of schools in rural Ghana: exploring the contribution and limits of low-fee private schools to Education for All This thesis examines the factors that make the low-fee private school (LFPS) accessible to the poor. While the provision of education in developing countri... Akagur...
"Getting the Pipe Laid is One Matter and Getting the Water Flowing through the Pipe is Another": User Views on Public-sector Urban Water Provision in Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Ghana and India The arguments for a more market-oriented approach to urban water provision and their implications for user...
Yet, there are controversies on their reach-out to low-income families, gender disparity in attendance, and overall better quality (Tooley, 2015). A recent study in 16 SSA countries found that about three out of four schools were public, with wide variation depending on the country, e.g.,...
Assessment of the Role of Private Schools in the Development of Education in Ghana. A Study of the Kumasi Metropolisdoi:10.4314/JUST.V24I2.32917Y. Nsiah-PeprahJournal of Science and Technology
Low-Fee Private Schools: Case Studies from Ghana.doi:10.22230/IJEPL.2020V16N3A957Corinne BrionPDK International, Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University, and College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University. Web site:
(2014). `Omega Schools Franchise in Ghana: `affordable' private education for the poor or for-profiteering?' In Macpher- son, I., S. Robertson and G. Walford (eds.) Education, Privatisa- tion and Social Justice: case studies from Africa, South Asia and South East Asia. London, ...
high aspirations for their children, fuel interest in private education. The paper suggests that for public schools to redeem their image the GES (Ghana Education Service) should consider working to make rural public schools more responsive and accountable to the communities they serve.Akaguri, ...