Electronic journalsE-journalsGarden City University CollegeChristian Service University Collegeelectronic resources(2017). Faculty Members and E-Journals: The Case of Private Universities in Kumasi, Ghana. New Review of Academic Librarianship. Ahead of Print. doi: 10.1080/13614533.2017.1297314...
QA then is a culture—a way of continuously aiming to improve and do better—and the private universities in Ghana are responding to this.doi:10.1007/s10734-014-9747-8NtimStephenSpringer NetherlandsHigher EducationNtim, S. (2014) Embedding quality culture in higher education in Ghana: quality ...
rivate universities GHANA: Qualifications crunch for private universitiesGHANA: Qualifications crunch for private universitiesFrancis Kokutse
Private universities may be playing an important role in absorbing demand from students who cannot get into or do not want to attend public institutions, but the mix of courses that tends to be offered raises questions, according to some, about their role in Africa’s wider development. The ...
Budgeting And Budgetary Control Practices Of Private Universities In Ghana: A Case Of Garden City University CollegeThe study examined budgeting and budgetary control practice in Ghana with reference to Garden City University College. The data was gathered using interviews with the help of self-...
Peter AnabilaAdelaide Naa Amerley KastnerCynthia A. BulleyMichael Mba Allan
The overall objective of the study was to compare the customer orientation attitude of selected private and public Universities in Ghana. Besides, the study also examined the probability of private or public Universities being more customer oriented than the other. The study employed the use of the...
Impact of Technology on University Leadership Effectiveness Among Academic Staff of Some Selected Private Universities in Ghanadoi:10.4018/IJICTRAME.290834Ghansah, BenjaminBenuwa, Ben-BrightInternational Journal of ICT Research in Africa & the Middle East...
Dynamics of Social Media on the Academic Performance of Students in Private Universities in GhanaOkoampa-Larbi, RichardAdu-Kumi, JohnTettey, CarolineAmissah, GodfredAboagye, SolomonInternational Journal of Education & Development using Information & Communication Technology...
Again, private universities in Ghana should organize technical education for their advertising departments on brand identity to stakeholders such as suppliers, internal users, government representatives. Also, private universities in Ghana should consider the need to create a group of internal branding ...