Our Private Equity Team is led by top tier, experienced lawyers, who have advised private equity clients throughout their career on myriad private equity transactions of different types, sizes, complexities and industries. We advise private equity clients on all types of transactions and legal matt...
BEST PRIVATE BANK FOR BUSINESS OWNERS IN AFRICA Standard Chartered To say Standard Chartered is more focused on Africa than are most global banks is a massive understatement. From its roots in colonial South Africa, the bank has spread to nine wealth management centers across the continent, from...
Every bank has its pet charitable causes. But J.P. Morgan is a clear leader in combining its financial prowess and global reach with urgent social missions. One example: partnering with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and big pharmaceutical producers on the Global Health Investment Fund, ...
Paneuropean Oil and Industrial Holdings SA, Luxembourg Member of the Board, Consolidated Lamda Holdings SA Member of the Board, EFG Consolidated Holdings SA Member of the Board, Ophelia International Investments SA Member of the Board, Pronia Health SICAR (former Proni...
Private banks are increasingly telling them otherwise, moving wealth thresholds up to $5 million and beyond. But not the biggest of them all, UBS, which is keeping its hallowed doors open to the mere $2 million crowd. That group surely includes many business owners who may be on their way...
rn of the private sector, should be avoided to assure the social and environmental benefits of PPP projects and improve the health2)y imRipsakcst on the sustainable development of industry, region and society. Analyzing risks under the context of sustainability is more comprehensive. Combining the...
In the field of environmental gerontology, Lawton and Wahl analyzed the relationship between the elderly's personal attributes (including health, income, education, and social status) and the social environment [10,12,13]; Iwarsson (2007) applied a research framework to the home environment and ...