Get all recordsThe following findMany() query returns all User records:const users = await prisma.user.findMany()You can also paginate your results.Get the first record that matches a specific criteriaThe following findFirst() query returns the most recently created user with at least ...
.leftJoinAndSelect("executor.relatedRecord", "records") .leftJoinAndSelect("records.recordTask", "recordTask") .leftJoinAndSelect("records.recordAccount", "recordAccount") .leftJoinAndSelect("records.recordSubstance", "recordSubstance") .leftJoinAndSelect("tasks.taskSubstance", "substance"); 以...
{ responseMessage } from '@/utils'; @Injectable() export class OrganazationService { constructor(private prisma: PrismaService) { } /** * @description: 查询组织列表 */ async findAll() { const result = await this.prisma.organization.findMany(); return responseMessage({ records: result, })...
getExtensionContext(this); const [records, totalRecords] = await client.$transaction([ (context as any).findMany(args), (context as any).count({ where: (args as any)?.where }), ]); const take = (args as any)?.take; let totalPages = totalRecords === 0 ? 0 : 1; if (take ...
and the remaining columns divided into distinct tables. All the tables except my Product table use this shared key column as the foreign constraint. I am using batch since I have a lot of data and it does achieve to push around 8 batches (1 batch = 100 records) but then stops working....
You can for example create a new User record by calling prisma.user.create() or retrieve all the Post records from the database with For an overview of the full Prisma Client API, visit the Prisma docs. Now you can replace the hardcoded feed object in getStatic...
// Soft delete multiple records await userRepo.deleteMany({ where: { status: 'inactive' }, data: { metadata: { deletedBy: 'system' } } }); 🎨 Flexible Configuration Runtime Configuration Changes // Change configuration at runtime setConfig({ softDelete: true, cacheConfig: { defaultCaching...
UsedeleteManydelete multiple records: constdeleteUsers =awaitprisma.user.deleteMany({where: {email: {contains:'', }, }, }) Useincludeindicate whether the associated query is valid, such as: constgetUser =awaitprisma.user.findUnique({where: {id:19, ...
Refined error handling for MongoDB m-n relations Prisma Studio prevents fatal errors when interacting with m-n relations by explicitly disabling creating, deleting, or editing records for m-n relations Multi-row copying You can select multiple rows and copy them to your clipboard as JSON objects...
We introduced this feature in4.1.0to enable you to sort records with null fields to either appear at the beginning or end of the result. The following example query sorts posts byupdatedAt, with records having a null value at the end of the list: ...