Co-founderStack Auth Cody Bontecou Founderi18nlocale Nevo David FounderPostiz Harshal Patil Staff EngineerMeister Chris Lis Dev EducatorChrisCourses Ready to try Prisma? Deploy a database in an instant to experience the power of Prisma. Get Started now...
Get all recordsThe following findMany() query returns all User records:const users = await prisma.user.findMany()You can also paginate your results.Get the first record that matches a specific criteriaThe following findFirst() query returns the most recently created user with at least ...
import { SignIn, SignOut } from "./Actions";import { getServerSession } from "next-auth/next";import { authOptions } from "@/server/auth";export default async function Home() {let session;try {const [sessionRes] = await Promise.allSettled([getServerSession(authOptions),]);if (session...
Now that you have created some sample data, you can run some queries to get a taste of using Prisma to query YugabyteDB. In the following examples, you use the Prisma client to retrieve data. Paste the following code examples into the left side of a tab, and then click the arrow to ...
Get} from '@nestjs/common'; import { OrganazationService } from './organazation.service'; @Controller('organazation') export class OrganazationController { constructor(private readonly organazationService: OrganazationService) { } /** @description: 查询组织列表 */ @Get() findAll() { return...
Prisma Cloud is the most complete Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) for code to cloud security in any cloud, multicloud, and hybrid environment.
Get started • Docs • Examples 👋 Welcome Prisma makes working with data easy! Explore our suite of tools: Prisma ORM: Next-generation Node.js and TypeScript ORM, supporting PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, CockroachDB, and MongoDB. Prisma Postgres: Instant PostgreSQL dat...
{ await prisma.cleanDatabase(); }); afterAll(async () => { await app.close(); }); it('/users (POST)', () => { return request(app.getHttpServer()) .post('/users') .send({ email: '', name: 'Test User', }) .expect(201) .expect((res) => { expect(...
Prisma Postgres is the fastest way to integrate a scalable PostgreSQL database into your Netlify sites. Designed for serverless and edge environments, Prisma Postgres provides everything you need to build robust, high-performing applications with zero operational headaches. Here’s what you get: Globa...