update_pqueue_index(label, -1); size_--; if (size_ > 0) { elts_[0] = elts_[size_]; update_pqueue_index(elts_[0], 0); heapify_down(0); } return label; } // Retrieve the top element without removing it inline Label* top() const { debug_assert(size_ > 0); return el...
The property accesses the top (highest-priority) element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. You use it to read or write the highest-priority element, when you know it exists. Example // cliext_priority_queue_top_item.cpp // compile with: /clr #include <cliext/queue> ...
priority_queue<int, vector<int>, mycmp> mypq_type; mypq_type fourth; mypq_type fifth(mycmp(true));成员函数有:empty Test whether container is empty size Return size top Access top element push Insert element emplace Construct and insert element pop Remove top element swap Swap contents...
The property accesses the top (highest-priority) element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. You use it to read or write the highest-priority element, when you know it exists. Example // cliext_priority_queue_top_item.cpp // compile with: /clr #include <cliext/queue> ...
priority_queue<pair<int,int> >a; pair<int,int> b(1,2); pair<int,int> c(1,3); pair<int,int> d(2,5); a.push(d); a.push(c); a.push(b);while(!a.empty()) { cout<< a.top().first <<''<< a.top().second <<'\n'; ...
min_element返回两个索引之间最小元素的索引;iter_swap将最小索引和不停迭代的索引进行交换。 这就是...
The property accesses the top (highest-priority) element of the controlled sequence, which must be non-empty. You use it to read or write the highest-priority element, when you know it exists.Example複製 // cliext_priority_queue_top_item.cpp // compile with: /clr #include <cliext/queue...
Thepriority queueis acontainer adaptorthat provides constant time lookup of the largest (by default) element, at the expense of logarithmic insertion and extraction. 优先级队列是一个提供常数时间查找容器内最大(默认情况下)元素以及在指数时间下插入和提取元素的容器适配器 ...
std::priority_queue::top std::priority_queue::top const_reference top() const; 返回对优先级队列中的top元素的引用。调用时将删除此元素。pop()如果使用默认比较函数,则返回的元素也是队列中最大的元素。 参数 %280%29 返回值 对top元素的引用,就好像是通过调用c.front()... 复杂性 常量...
(L'b'); c1.push(L'c'); // display reversed contents " c b a" for (; !c1.empty(); c1.pop()) { // get a const reference to an element Mypriority_queue::const_reference cref = c1.top(); System::Console::Write("{0} ", cref); } System::Console::WriteLine(); return ...