The Year You Were Born Help your baby remember what was hip and what was happening in the world in the year he or she was born. This time capsule printable looks at the top headlines of the year, the blockbuster movies, and the biggest songs on the radio. You can find 2019hereon Etsy...
Leap Year happens once every four years so we have created this exclusive Hoppy Leap Year coloring page just in time for February 29. Click on the image above to view and print the Leap Year Coloring Page full size OR download the Leap Year Activity as a PDF file. Frogs make the ...
including calendars with US federal holidays already marked, customizable blank versions, and convenient Monday-start options. To see the whole year in one place, check out our2025 Calendar. And if you need aprintable calendarfor other months or years, be sure to visit...
One year I found some free printable valentines that said “You Blow Me Away, Valentine” and I attached them to adorable mini bubbles. And another year I made valentines that said “You Color My Word, Valentine” and added some crayons to the printable. It’s all super cute and you can...
The name “December” comes from the Latin word *decem*, meaning “ten.” In the early Roman calendar, December was the tenth month of the year, before January and February were added. December Birthstone and Flowers Birthstone Decemberhas two birthstones: turquoise and zircon. Turquoise, a ...
Look up the hits from the year you were born Throw yourself a retro party with tunes from the days when you were a babe. You can always combine this with the fancy dress or costume idea as well. Try out a musical instrument for the first time ...
Plan your life flow using our carefully created calendars each year. The most beautiful monthly, weekly and yearly calendars of 2025!
There are many times of year you can host a scavenger hunt. Our favorite is the Birthday Scavenger Hunt leading your child to find a birthday present at each stop along the away. Also look at the Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Camping Scavenger Hunt. See more here.Other Easter ...
Patricks Day printable party games, I recommend using white card stock, but you can totally use regular copy paper if that is all you have on hand. You can also laminate the name generator and the name tags to last from year to year. After the name tags are laminated, simply write the...
fifth month of the year until January and February were added to the ten-month calendar by Numa Pompilius in 713 B.C. The month was governed by the Roman deity Jupiter, the god of light and sky. Later the name was changed to Julius in honor of Julius Caesar who was born on July 12...