San Ignacio is one of very few places where a person can pet a whale. The whales come each year to the coast of Baja California to give birth and to mate. If you’re lucky, you can “shake hands with a leatheryfin(鳍)” or even “plant a kiss on a cold, salty cheek.” I us...
Academic libraries in the UK and across the world were taken by surprise by the recent announcement that the company will be exiting the global market for print book sales in August of this year, and similarly stopping title-by-title perpetual ebook sales in October. Amazon wants you to know...
Trend Recap: If you too have blinked and found that the year is winding down already, caution: This sound may induce severe nostalgia. Use this audio to showcase your 2024 highlight reel. That's a wrap, y'all. Audio: 2024 recap (Long version) - northernelg Current # of Posts: 9.2...
so let that be known when you’re out shopping. As explained by Simon Ellin, CEO of the Recycling Association, a trade body that represents about 90 waste management companies and paper merchants in the United Kingdom, “It’s a campaign we’ve been on all year — do you really need ...
I have so many memories of bouncing around my living room with a newborn, trying to lull them to sleep while listening to Michael Scott’s antics. I hope you’ll enjoy discovering the character with your Myers-Briggs (MBTI®) personality type below! Let’s get started!
Encouragement of any kind was in short supply. Times were difficult; everyone was suffering except the government elite and their cronies. In the third year of the weekly prayer sessions, Christian felt compelled to invite fifty people to his church to discuss the oppressive circumstances of their...
Indeed, the decision to include the year it was completed at the end of each story makes their achievement all the more impressive – many of these pieces were finished just as the #MeToo movement was beginning to sweep the anglophone world, and capture abuses with a directness and clear...
In 1995, just a year prior to his tragic death, 2Pac released his third album Me Against the World. 2Pac was always the type of rapper who would speak his mind, whether that was in his music or in interviews. This album title implies what the rapper had endured in his life, using ...
The IRS offers unique tax benefits to parents, including a number of tax credits that can help you lower your tax bill. Taking advantage of the tax benefits of having a child can help you maximize your refund and save for your child's future. Learn more
Several times a year, students cook the vegetables they grow, and they occasionally make salads for their entire schools. Program evaluations show that kids eat more vegetables as a result of the classes. “We have students who say they went home and talked to their parents and now they’...