January 3, 2023 12:27 am Can you make an updated PDF? The 2016 PDF has shortcuts that are out of date with newer versions/the shortcuts on this webpage. Thanks! 2 View Replies (3) Federico Wilhelm December 31, 2020 12:35 pm Not suer why but some formula don’t work for ...
Hi Riny, This is great exactly what i'm looking for I have copy and pasted the 'month view' to my 'Actions Tracker' spreadsheet but am struggling to adapt the formula to pull events into the month view I believe changing the array is what will do it but need some pointers if...
Form 945-A (Rev. October 2017) You must complete this form if you're a semiweekly schedule depositor or became one because your accumulated tax liability during any month was. 2016 Publication 225 Oct 17, 2016 — 2016. If you deposited all Form 945 taxes when due, you may file Form 94...
Is it also possible to simply and automatically generate a calendar similar to the one shown in the image below based on data from an Excel Spreadsheet (Tasks follow each other after a certain duration). Would this be possible in Pivot Tables or the like? If so, would you be able...