PV FunctionFV FunctionPMT FunctionIPMT FunctionPPMT FunctionLoan Amortization ScheduleMIRR FunctionRATE FunctionRRI FunctionXIRR FunctionXNPV FunctionYIELD Function Statistical Excel Functions COUNTA FunctionCOUNTIF FunctionCOUNTIFS Function Logical Excel Functions SUMIF FunctionSUMIFS FunctionExcel IFS Function...
This is great exactly what i'm looking for I have copy and pasted the 'month view' to my 'Actions Tracker' spreadsheet but am struggling to adapt the formula to pull events into the month view I believe changing the array is what will do it but need some pointers if you can h...
My work runs about 200 events per year. These are listed in an excel spreadsheet. However they also have a word template which has the layout of an annual calendar. This means there are months acr... Oct 26, 2022 Azaam_EmambacusNot sure what you are trying to achieve, but if ...