The Princess and the Frog is a 2009 American animated musical comedy adventure fantasy film based on E.D. Baker's novel The Frog Princess, which was in turn inspired by the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale The Frog Prince. The film opened in limited release in New York City and Los Angeles ...
The Princess and the Goblin (1991) G 82 min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy Edit page Add to list Track A naive princess, her beloved cat and a poor mining boy team up to save their kingdom from a nasty underground realm of bad-mannered goblins. Read more: Plot summary | Synopsis ...
How much have you seen? Keep track of how much of Princess Tiana’s work you have seen.Go to your list. List IMDb Staff Picks for December See the list Recently viewed Please enable browser cookies to use this feature.Learn more.
Set in charming adventurous New Orleans, LA and the surrounding bayou in 1912, the movie tells a story about hard work, friends, and seeing what is beneath the surface of a person. With a great soundtrack, storyline, and characters, this movie has everything needed to be one of your fa...
See The Frog and the Arabian Princess's production, company, and contact information. Explore The Frog and the Arabian Princess's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for ente
Disney Princess names are instantly recognizable: from Snow White and Cinderella to Merida and Moana, we all have our favorites. But how much do you know about them? This Disney Princess list includes all the official Disney Princesses' names with pictures, ages, character origins, name meanings...
Disney Princess is a franchise with a line-up of fictional female heroines who have appeared in various Disney animated feature films, owned by The Walt Disney Company, and created in the mid-1990s. The franchise currently comprises of thirteen female pr
A royal from history (and she might not always be nice!) As for historical royals, we primarily focused on princesses or young queens at the start of their rule, so movies likeMrs. Brownwere left off the list. Genre-wise, you’ll find a bit of everything: Drama, Romance, Disney, Fa...
The “Princess and the Frog” movie is deeply rooted in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. Disney is taking the same care with the new attraction. Both the Disney Animators that worked on the film and the Walt Disney Imagineers now working on the attraction were and are engaged with the...
(fart) and Disney will be holding their big panel, along with a ton of other great stuff to check out!I've gone through the schedule and put a *** next to all the event's we hope to be able to cover. If there's anything on the list you would like information on please let ...