The Princess and the Frog is a 2009 American animated musical comedy adventure fantasy film based on E.D. Baker's novel The Frog Princess, which was in turn inspired by the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale The Frog Prince. The film opened in limited release in New York City and Los Angeles ...
专辑名:The Princess and the Frog (Original Songs and Score) (公主和青蛙 电影原声带) 歌手:Randy Newman 发行时间:2009-11-23 简介:《公主和青蛙》的故事颠覆了《格林童话》中经典的《青蛙王子》的情节,故事背景设定在20年代美国爵士乐的故乡——新奥尔良。一位来自Maldonia王国的王子Naveen在新奥尔良中了邪恶...
亚乐伦图书创作的儿童有声书作品The-Princess-and-the-Frog,目前已更新16个声音,收听最新音频章节16 曲目 16。
01 The Princess and the Frog-American English曲目 1 368 2018-06 2 02 The Princess and the Frog-American English曲目 2 416 2018-06 3 03 The Princess and the Frog-American English曲目 3 283 2018-06 4 04 The Princess and the Frog-American English曲目 4 ...
在Apple Music 上收听Randy Newman, 阿尼卡·诺尼·罗斯 & Jim Cummings的《The Princess and The Frog (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)》。2009年。17 首歌曲。时长:55 分钟
Soundtrack: Princess and the Frog Mama! I don't have time for dancing! That's just gonna have to wait a while Ain't got time for messing around And it's not my style This old town can slow you down People taking the easy way But I know exactly where I'm going Getting closer ...
This is a gallery for visual assets of Princess Daisy. For her a gallery for her infant counterpart, click here.
Down In New Orleans (Finale) [From Disney's ''The Princess and the Frog'']Anika Noni Rose When We're Human (From Disney's ''The Princess and the Frog'') [feat. Leon-Wooley, Bruno Campos & Terence Blanchard]Anika Noni Rose、terence blanchard、Leon-Wooley、Bruno Campos ...
立即播放 视频列表 默认排列 02:02 公主与青蛙 幕后 上传者:ZREN 02:30 公主与青蛙 预告片 上传者:ZREN 02:30 公主与青蛙 预告片2 上传者:ZREN 03:21 公主和青蛙 片段Kiss the Frog 上传者:ZREN 播单创建者 ZREN 暂无简介 订阅 播放 521.0万