Prince of Persia: Directed by Jordan Mechner, Keisuke Yasaka. In ancient Persia, the sultan's vizier, Jaffar, seizes power. With his only obstacle to the throne being the sultan's daughter, he locks her up. In order to free her, you must escape dungeons,
While the Sultan of Persia is fighting a war in a foreign country, his Grand Vizier Jaffar orchestrates a coup d'état. His way to the throne lies through the Sultan's lovely daughter. Jaffar kidnaps her and threatens to kill her if she refuses to marry.
A fan made continuation of the DOS Prince of Persia 1989 and 1993 games. Set after the end of the second game, play as the heroic prince who once again has to save his kingdom from the forces of darkness. Your adventures will take you from mysterious mountains to a foreign castle, with...
将sdlpop文件夹复制到microSD根目录, 以任何方便的方式(金叶、锂、锡箔等)安装PrinceofPersia1989.NSP文件; 下载地址(由星辰用户cynthia6a发布): 请点击登录后查看信息。 热门推荐
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