Prince of Persia: Directed by Jordan Mechner, Keisuke Yasaka. In ancient Persia, the sultan's vizier, Jaffar, seizes power. With his only obstacle to the throne being the sultan's daughter, he locks her up. In order to free her, you must escape dungeons,
Prince of Persia: Directed by Jordan Mechner, Keisuke Yasaka. In ancient Persia, the sultan's vizier, Jaffar, seizes power. With his only obstacle to the throne being the sultan's daughter, he locks her up. In order to free her, you must escape dungeons,
While the Sultan of Persia is fighting a war in a foreign country, his Grand Vizier Jaffar orchestrates a coup d'état. His way to the throne lies through the Sultan's lovely daughter. Jaffar kidnaps her and threatens to kill her if she refuses to marry.
A fan made continuation of the DOS Prince of Persia 1989 and 1993 games. Set after the end of the second game, play as the heroic prince who once again has to save his kingdom from the forces of darkness. Your adventures will take you from mysterious mountains to a foreign castle, with...
68 BUY $9.99 TEEN Blood, Violence Description Single Player, HD (High Definition). Escape from Jaffar's dungeon and save the Princess! Prince of Persia is a high-definition 3D adventure platformer based on the original 1989 hit. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see...
2021-02-18 Check out Prince of Persia 2.5: The Crystal Castle - a fan made sequel to the original DOS 1989 and 1993 games in which you can continue playing as the heroic Prince of Persia, scaling towering height, avoiding traps, and finally come to terms with the Prince's most ...
Single Player, HD (High Definition). Escape from Jaffar's dungeon and save the Princess! Prince of Persia is a high-definition 3D adventure platformer based on the original 1989 hit. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see ...
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown’s new DLC makes a great game even better “We don’t always realize in the moment that we’re doing something how it’s going to be important or what value it’s going to have,” Mechner tells Digital Trends. “Often we can be surprised in a power...
Prince of Persia 1.0 DEMO - This is a fully playable demo of the first two levels. Two game review screens can be seen at the end of the demo. 1, 2.Download: (261 KB)Note: As far as we know, there is no version 1.2 for Prince of Persia 1....
Way back in 1989, Jordan Mechner's original Prince of Persia represented one of the first and best examples of what's become known as the 'cinematic platformer'. It's a traditionally challenging genre, one that combines strong art, fun storylines, and fluidly animated protagonists to bring us...