普里莫·列维(Primo Levi,1919–1987年),意大利籍犹太化学家和作家。列维是纳粹大屠杀的幸存者。他的处女作《如果这是一个人》(Se questo e un uomo)(1947年)讲述他被监禁在集中营中的生活。后被译为英文出版,书名为《If This Is a Man》(1959年),和《奥茨威辛生还录:纳粹对人性的摧残》(Survival in Ausch...
This essay argues that translation in Se questo 猫 un uomo (If This is a Man) (1947), as well as in related pieces, functions for Primo Levi as a key means for claiming and potentially repairing manhood. In its capacity to reposition meaning, translation functions as a powerful vehicle ...
Se questo è un uomo-Primo Levi 2017-02-09 03:51:1501:15 140 所属专辑:意大利声音 喜欢下载分享 听友73937736 天籁之声!加油! 2017-02赞 意国阳光 回复 @听友73937736: 谢谢刘总,好久不见! 2017-02赞 回复@听友73937736 表情0/300发表评论 其他回复(1) 意国阳光 谢谢刘总,好久不见! 2017-02回复...
—PRIMO LEVI, IF THIS IS A MAN She does not know her name. PRIMO LEVI, Se questo è un uomo I Dalla schiavitù alla libertà Lei non sa come si chiama. Literature Both versions include an introduction by Primo Levi. Ambedue le versioni includono un’introduzione di Primo Levi. ...
And reading Se questo è un uomo (If This is a Man, rather... indridcool 喜欢此帖 dannygronerportfolio 喜欢此帖 tonyharrattphotography-blog-blog 喜欢此帖 osuenglish-blog 从unypl 转发了此帖 pookascrayon 喜欢此帖 ashelam 喜欢此帖 navasana 喜欢此帖 ratsinthekitchen-blog 喜欢此帖...
Per questo fu chiamato Levi[c]. 35 E concepì di nuovo, partorì un figlio e disse: «Questa volta celebrerò il Signore». Perciò lo chiamò Giuda[d]. Poi cessò d’aver figli.30 Rachele, vedendo che non partoriva figli a Giacobbe, invidiò sua sorell...
Controversies of opinion regarding the work done by Levi; Aspects of the irony and sublimity of the book "Se questo é un uomo"; Claims made by Levi regarding this book; Account of the degree to which the irony of "Se questo é un uomo" compromises Levi-narrator's intention to testify....
In considering the juridico-religious functioning of the oath in relation to truth and language, a comparative analysis of Se questo è un uomo with the language of the Bible, in particular Deuteronomy, is pursued in order to consider Levi's book as that primary sacrament of language, by ...
Levi went to a very real hell on earth, Auschwitz, which he survived and described in his book called, in different editions, Survival in Auschwitz or If This Is a Man (Se questo e un uomo in the original Italian). Dante went to hell as he imagined it and wrote about it in the "...
For many years the majority ofreaders failed to realize that "Se questo e un Uomo" (If This is a Man) is a philosophical and anthropological study of adrastic experience. In this respect, Levi's concept of "grey zone" - more present in his last work than in his first - hasfor him...