nouncopy,record,note,summary,notes,version,carbon,log,translation,manuscript,reproduction,duplicate,transcription,carbon copy,transliteration,written versionThey wouldn't let me have a transcript of the interview. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © ...
The primary transcriptionPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To prevent the adhesion of staining by preventing the trailing end or the edge surface of the trailing end of recording material from coming into contact with an intermediate transfer body again.民部 隆一...
they are categorized as primary (pTSS; most abundant transcript based on the highest number of cDNA reads) or secondary TSS (sTSS; all other transcripts) when located ≤300 bp upstream of a gene with transcription on the sense strand of that gene. They are categorized...
MicroRNAs are processed by Drosha, and previous data had suggested that this occurred soon after transcription. Following Drosha recruitment and using nuclear run-on technology, data now indicate that miRNAs both within and outside of introns are process
Finally, we demonstrate the robust performance of the platform reversing the anergic/suppressive phenotype of human primary regulatory T cells (Treg) by knocking-down their master gene Forkhead Transcription Factor P3 (FOXP3). 展开 关键词: Blotting Western CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes Cell Line Cells ...
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are processed products of primary miRNAs (pri-miRNAs) and regulate the target gene expression. Though the regulatory roles of the several mature plant miRNAs have been studied in detail, the functions of other regions of the pri-miRNAs
The hippocampi of rats were taken out to extract gene ral RNA for reverse transcription cDNA. The cDNA in the two groups were marked w ith Cy5 and Cy3 fluorescence respectively as probes. The probes were hybridized with the two pieces of BioDoor Chip 4?096 gene expression profile CMOS chip...
Because cell viability was a preserved factor in samples, we asked if expression of genes positively regulating cell proliferation would correlate with relative viability. The HALLMARK_E2F_TARGETS gene set includes cell cycle related target genes of E2F transcription factors. While the highest viability...
•Transcription of the letter: •Loveinge contreyman, I am bolde of yow, as of a ffrende, craveinge yowr helpe with xxxll uppon Mr. Bushells mid my securytee, or Mr. Myttens with me. Mr. Rosswell is nott come to London as yeate, and I have especiall cawse. Yow shall ff...