primary protein structure 4 : resulting from the substitution of one of two or more atoms or groups in a molecule a primary amine especially : being or characterized by a carbon atom having a bond to only one other carbon atom 5
Definition The primary structure of a peptide or a protein describes the linear sequence of its amino acid units. By convention, the sequence of a protein or peptide is reported starting from the amino-terminal (NH 2 ) end. Proteins also often contain disulfide cross-linkages, and the primary...
Define primary proteose. primary proteose synonyms, primary proteose pronunciation, primary proteose translation, English dictionary definition of primary proteose. n. Any of various water-soluble compounds that are produced during digestion by the hydro
Understand the primary structure of a protein. Learn the chemical composition and levels of structure of proteins. Learn the protein domain...
The primary database PDB can be used for protein structure identification. Primary databases such as Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) contain transcriptome data that can be analyzed to identify differentially expressed genes and to understand gene expression. ...
Select the correct answer. Helix is a typical [{Blank}] structure in proteins. a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. Quaternary Match the different levels of protein organization with their definition. Levels of organization: 1. Primary structure 2. Secondary structu...
Learn the definition of the endoderm and understand the function of the endoderm. Learn about germ layer derivatives, including those of the mesoderm and endoderm. Related to this Question What is the primary germ layer from which the luminal layer of the digestive t...
How rare is the number of observed occurrences considering the amino acid composition of the protein? This definition, for example, distinguishes the significance of an occurrence of triad '111' appearing in two sequences that have equal length but contains three and ten group-1 residues. In thi...
Define Primary tumor. Primary tumor synonyms, Primary tumor pronunciation, Primary tumor translation, English dictionary definition of Primary tumor. n. 1. An abnormal growth of tissue resulting from uncontrolled, progressive multiplication of cells and
The definition of the productive transcriptional unit must await precise mapping of the productive transcripts and their 5' ends. Due to the ability of molecularly cloned BPY-1 DNA to transform mouse cells I5.16, the possibility of exploiting BPY-1 DNA as a novel eukaryotic cloning and ...