primary cellscell linesimmortalizationin vitro cell culturestandardizationdoi:10.1038/npg.els.0002564StaceyGlynStacey, G. (2001). Primary Cell Cultures and Immortal Cell Lines. DOI: 10.1038/npg.els.0003960.Stacey, G. (2006). Primary Cell Cultures and Immortal Cell Lines. eLS....
Immortalisation of Primary Cells. Cell Biol Toxicol 17, 231–246 (2001). Download citation Issue DateAugust 2001 DOI Keywords Primary Cell Genetically Modify Organism Continuous Cell Line Rapid Cell Proliferation Animal ...
Notably, the cells used for analysis in the present study were passaged between 5 and 15 times (prior to the establishment of immortal cell lines) to obtain sufficient cell numbers and avoid bias resulting from long-term culture. TILs from recurrent tumors were cultured in RPMI-1640 medium ...
The recent development of the nucleofection system has been a significant advance over standard electroporation systems that have been limited by high toxicity and a requirement for large numbers of cells. A number of cell lines have already been tested for their compatibility with the nucleofection ...
In addition, we suggest that in crayfish, the hematopoietic system may be a source of cells that replenish the niche stem cell pool.Background It is now well established that neurogenesis occurs not only during embryogenesis and early postembryonic development, but also in the brains of many ...
Cellular prion protein suppressess the apoptotic cell death by mediating the intracellular H 2 O 2 in primary culture and immortalized neuronal cellsTo know the mechanisms in which cellular isoform of prion protein (PrPC) is involved for the neuroprotection, we compared death signals in Prnp-/- ... Cell Culture Scientists can culture cells taken from original tissue, primary cultures, cell lines, or cell strains. Late embryonic rat hippocampus and human tumor specimens are examples of original tissues. Numerous continuous cell lines are widely available to researchers. Each continuous cel...
cells derived from a finite population of cells (~5-6 passages) (22). Only two specimens of resected colorectal tumor were used to establish cell lines; one cell line was cc-006cpm8 and was established in the present study for cellular characterization. In addition, the patient was ...
Alpha TC1 (αTC1) and Beta-TC-6 (βTC6) mouse islet cell lines are cellular models of islet (dys)function and type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, genomic characteristics of these cells, and their similarities to primary islet alpha and beta cells, are undefined. Here, we report the epigeno...
Keywords: primary cells; cell lines; immortalization; in vitro cell culture; standardizationdoi:10.1038/npg.els.0003960Glyn StaceyJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdStacey, G. (2001). Primary Cell Cultures and Immortal Cell Lines. DOI: 10.1038/npg.els.0003960....