也可以通过配置,禁止手动修改某个condition type; 六,凭证头部的条件Conditions in the Document Header 也可以在凭证头部输入conditions,叫做header conditions,对所有的Items有效; 这些header conditions自动地基于Net Values分布到Items; 分布header condition的基础可在定价程序中通过在ALTCBV 字段中选择适当的routine来修改...
也可以通过配置,禁止手动修改某个condition type; 六,凭证头部的条件Conditions in the Document Header 也可以在凭证头部输入conditions,叫做header conditions,对所有的Items有效; 这些header conditions自动地基于Net Values分布到Items; 分布header condition的基础可在定价程序中通过在ALTCBV 字段中选择适当的routine来修改...
一,定价配置之条件表(Condition table) 条件表Condition table 包含可用来创建相应条件记录的Keys,比如:Condition table :Material; Customer/Material。我们可以根据业务需求,添加自定义的条件表,号码范围501---999。 条件表Condition Tables,主要用于存储条件记录。条件记录通常用特定的key创建,用table来帮组定义Condition...
六,凭证头部的条件Conditions in the Document Header 也可以在凭证头部输入conditions,叫做header conditions,对所有的Items有效; 这些header conditions自动地基于Net Values分布到Items; 分布header condition的基础可在定价程序中通过在ALTCBV 字段中选择适当的routine来修改; ...
Screen to tcodeVA01 - Create New Sales Order for customers - Double Click the Item - Then Click the Conditions Tabstrips Define Condition types V/05- Condition Table forV/07 e.g. a business may no longer wants to have a sales discount based on the sales organization, customer group, an...
六,凭证头部的条件Conditions in the Document Header 也可以在凭证头部输入conditions,叫做header conditions,对所有的Items有效; 这些header conditions自动地基于Net Values分布到Items; 分布header condition的基础可在定价程序中通过在ALTCBV 字段中选择适当的routine来修改; ...
Introduction In order to upload pricing conditions in SAP system, we need to create a conversion program which caters to all condition tables and uploads the respective
SAP Table A029 Description Material Pricing Group Table Type TRANSP Delivery Class A Main Category Sales and Distribution Sub Category Master Data SAP Master Data Tables TableDescriptionModule A000 Condition Table for Pricing $ SD-MD A001 Not Used in Standard SD-MD A002 Country/Customer Classificati...
Solved: The business group needs the ability to query pricing condition records to check the applied price condition(s) given the information on an order in BW. For this