手动输入条件manually entered condition; 仅作统计用; 二,访问次序Access Sequence 在定价程序中,除了header and manual only condition types外,每个condition type都定义了一个访问次序(搜索策略); 搜索策略定义了系统为condition type读取condition record的顺序; 访问顺序中每个访问通过使用condition table来执行; 条件...
手动输入条件manually entered condition; 仅作统计用; 二,访问次序Access Sequence 在定价程序中,除了header and manual only condition types外,每个condition type都定义了一个访问次序(搜索策略); 搜索策略定义了系统为condition type读取condition record的顺序; 访问顺序中每个访问通过使用condition table来执行; 条件...
一,定价配置之条件表(Condition table) 条件表Condition table 包含可用来创建相应条件记录的Keys,比如:Condition table :Material; Customer/Material。我们可以根据业务需求,添加自定义的条件表,号码范围501---999。 条件表Condition Tables,主要用于存储条件记录。条件记录通常用特定的key创建,用table来帮组定义Condition...
在定价程序中,除了header and manual only condition types外,每个condition type都定义了一个访问次序(搜索策略); 搜索策略定义了系统为condition type读取condition record的顺序; 访问顺序中每个访问通过使用condition table来执行; 条件表condition table是条件记录的key fields的集合; 可以执行一个依赖于某些先决条件访...
条件表Condition Tables,主要用于存储条件记录。条件记录通常用特定的key创建,用table来帮组定义Condition record keys。实际上,用在header和Item层定价的最重要的fields在标准系统里已经可用。从4.5版本开始,也可以添加non-key fields到条件表,例如Condition table144(用于价格目录,Condition type PBUD)。
SAP SD 基础知识之定价配置(Pricing Configuration) 销售定价策略的配置,主要通过如下配置菜单完成, 一,定价配置之条件表(Condition table) 条件表Condition table 包含可用来创建相应条件记录的Keys,比如:Condition table :Material; Customer/Material。我们可以根据业务需求,添加自定义的条件表,号码范围501---999。
TYPE ODATA LAST MODIFIED 24 Jan 2025 VERSION 1.1.0 DIRECTION Inbound ORD ID sap.s4:apiResourc... API Resources Attributes API Specification Authentication Methods Configuration Details Extensibility Name Value Business Object sap-vdm-sot-PurchasingPricingConditionType-v1 Communication Scenar...
搜索策略定义了系统为condition type读取condition record的顺序; 访问顺序中每个访问通过使用condition table来执行; 条件表condition table是条件记录的key fields的集合; 可以执行一个依赖于某些先决条件访问; 三,定价概览Pricing Overview Eg. 订单创建—销售某个物料号100PC,系统需自动决定price; ...
Since you are using standerd PR00 there should be access sequence PR02 in the defination of condition type,still ,check whether PR00 condition type is having access sequences. If access sequence is there, check whether condition record has maintained as per the table which maintaines in access...
As the requirement is to upload any condition table, we have to design a solution which caters to all condition type uploads. So in order to make it generic for all condition types, we would be expecting the Condition Table name to be as a part of up...