The idea was to help address the protracted delays prevalent in the current centralized system, ensuring that cases were dealt with expeditiously and efficiently 其构想是帮助解决现行集中系统普遍存在的长时间拖延现象,确保案件得到迅速有效的处理。 MultiUn Data from a national survey conducted in 2011...
• In many cases, they are distinguished from the prevalent structural range by their degree of architectural pretension.• Just how prevalent these are has been demonstrated in a new survey by the Urban Institute.• The most prevalent trees are sycamores: There are 915 of them in the ...
使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) If there were such cases, the Administration should explainhow prevalentthepractice was among grantees, and whether there were any rules prohibiting/regulating such a practice. ...
the Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company, which show that cases of workers' salary being slashed are still prevalent. 最後, 我 想請行 政長官 看看香港飛 機 工程公司的工潮 ,從中 可見減 薪的浪潮 仍然持續,我 們又如何 能告訴 香港市 民,在減 薪浪潮 中,經濟已 經復甦 呢?
in developing countries. The program took place at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Peter Singer at the University of Toronto sats a nanotechnology called quantum dots could be used to confirm cases 上星期,报告人在使用nanotechnology在华盛顿被谈论的一个节目改进医疗保健在发展中国家...
offenders? clues for criminal cases? wanted circular and assist investigation and secret investigation. 立足于高起点高效率的网络系统,刑事犯罪情报信息管理系统应包含刑事案件、违法犯罪人员、犯罪线索资料、通缉通报协查、秘密侦查工作的五大信息管理模块。 更多例句>> ...
aIn some cases, “defensive medicine” can work to reduce λ and increase utilization: the CT scan to provide cover for sending a patient home from the emergency room or the PSA test to avoid lawsuits in the event that the patient is later diagnosed with prostate cancer (King and Moulton,...
Based on the treatment of 297 cases of male and female immune infertility,analysis on the clinical symptoms and pathological and physiological features of the disease was carried out,with the conclusion that thepathogenesisof male immune infertility and that of female infertility are similar. ...
Current worldwide prevalence has been estimated at 2% of the human population, but accurate numbers are difficult to gauge because crab lice infestations are not considered a reportable condition by many governments, and many cases are self-treated or treated discreetly by primary physicians. WikiMatr...
The idea was to help address the protracted delays prevalent in the current centralized system, ensuring that cases were dealt with expeditiously and efficiently 其构想是帮助解决现行集中系统普遍存在的长时间拖延现象,确保案件得到迅速有效的处理。 MultiUn Data from a national survey conducted in 2011...