Define prevalence. prevalence synonyms, prevalence pronunciation, prevalence translation, English dictionary definition of prevalence. n. 1. The condition of being prevalent. 2. Medicine The total number of cases of a disease in a given population at a s
Define prev. prev synonyms, prev pronunciation, prev translation, English dictionary definition of prev. 1. previous. 2. previously. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random H
Ifthedefinitionbeingusediscloselyrelatedtothecommonly-held(2)___ of a factorywithoverworked,under-paidworkers,sweatshoplaborbecomeslesscommonthanexpected.(3)___,theyarestillprevalentinthird-worldcountries.AccordingtotheUnitedStatesGovernmentAccountabilityOffice,a sweatshopisanyworkplacethatbreaksoneormorestateand...
The definition of risk factors in the questionnaire is shown in the eMethods in the Supplement. We transported all participants from the same urban district or rural county to a local hospital where a DXA scanner was available or to a mobile vehicle with a DXA scanner if DXA scanners were ...
And indeed, historically, those who accept self-determination as the definition of freedom, rather than absence of obstacle, have to distinguish between a true or higher self and a fault or lower self. So they can on occasion, say it looks like Cohoon is acting freely, but it's not rea...
The number of patients who utilize a particular Chinese medication at the designated time period is the definition of "frequency." Full size image Chinese medicine injections Chinese medicine injections (CMIs) have become more widespread in China because of their instantaneous effects, fewer side ...
This is the definition to be adopted throughout this study. Internet Pornography 28,000 users are seeking SEM on the internet every second (Hessen & Pedersen, 2017). In terms of the way that pornography is used, the majority of studies clearly link male usage with masturbation practices ...
Definitions of hyperuricemia and other factors The primary definition of hyperuricemia in this study was a level of SUA ≥7.0 mg/dl (416.0 μmol/l) in males or ≥6.0 mg/dl (357.0 μmol/l) in females11,21. We also presented the prevalence of hyperuricemia by using two alternativ...
Define prevenient. prevenient synonyms, prevenient pronunciation, prevenient translation, English dictionary definition of prevenient. adj. 1. Coming before; preceding. 2. Expectant; anticipatory. pre·ven′ient·ly adv. American Heritage® Dictionary
More efforts are being made to break down invisible barriers and give managerial- and executive-level positions to other people. There have been signs of progress, but inequality is still prevalent. Sponsored Buy, Trade, and Hold 350+ Cryptocurrencies ...