Then, we use the estimated survival distribution in an extension of the logistic model to three groups (controls, incident, and prevalent cases), to adjust for the survival bias in prevalent cases. In simulations, under modest amounts of censoring, odds‐ratios from the two‐step procedure ...
18. ResultsOf 48 cases, 29 cases were detected accounted for 604% trichomoniasis, a 1~3 yearold age prevalent. 结果48例中检出滴虫29例,占604%,发病年龄以1~3岁多见。 19. For example, one of the most prevalent, persistent fears people have is public speaking. ...
Nearly 40% of all diagnosed prevalent cases of Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) in the eight major markets (8MM*) occur in the elderly population, and this is estimated to increase by a further 40% by 2028. The major drivers for this trend include increasing life expectancy, early diagnosis of ...
• In many cases, they are distinguished from the prevalent structural range by their degree of architectural pretension.• Just how prevalent these are has been demonstrated in a new survey by the Urban Institute.• The most prevalent trees are sycamores: There are 915 of them in the ...
Results:Hospital prevalence over the four-year period varied from 6073 breast cancer cases for the simplest model (first selection step without the admission diagnosis algorithm) to 4951 when the first selection step was associated with the breast cancer code as admission diagnosis. The model ...
全部,流行的,普遍存在的,盛行的,普遍的,普通的 更多例句筛选 1. Although three reported cases could mean that infection is still widely prevalent, Nair said the turnaround has been phenomenal. 虽然3例报告病例可能说明骨髓灰质炎仍广泛流行,但Nair表示这一转变相当惊人。 2. but the ...
•In many cases, they aredistinguishedfrom theprevalentstructuralrangeby theirdegreeof architecturalpretension.•Just howprevalentthese are has beendemonstratedin a newsurveyby theUrbanInstitute.•The mostprevalenttreesaresycamores: There are 915 of them in the cityinventory.•Howprevalentwas the ...
UK Biobank: the expected distribution of incident and prevalent cases of chronic disease and the statistical power of nested case- control studies 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 36 作者:P Burton,A Hansell 摘要: Summary table 1 outlines a convenient, though arbitrary, nomenclature for effect ...
Over the past five weeks, northern provinces have seen the influenza B virus surge to 57.7 percent of all the infected cases, while southern provinces recorded a 36.8 percent increase over the past three weeks,. 王大燕说,南方省份于10月初进入流感季节,北方省份随后于本月晚些时候进入流感季节。过去...
at the news conference. she said that southern provinces entered the flu season in early october, followed by northern provinces later in the month. over the past five weeks, northern provinces have seen the influenza b virus surge to ...