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docker exec -it c84a7afbd097/pulsar/bin/pulsar sql 简单查询一下:某个topic的消息 select * from "pulsar"."tenant/namespace/"."delete_cache";select * from "pulsar"."tenant/namespace/"."delete_cache" limit 1;"pulsar"是catalog,必须指定。在pulsar-presto的web界面可以看到刚才的执行情况:可以...
mkdir -p /app/3rd/pulsar-sql/bin cp https://github.com/apache/pulsar/blob/master/bin/pulsar /app/3rd/pulsar-sql/bin 修改357行:将ip改为(1)中的pulsar-presto(sql-worker)所在机器的ip execJAVA−cp" docker run --name pulsar-sql -d -it --restart=always -v /app/3rd/pulsar-sql/bin/p...
pulsar单节点prometheus单节点rac安装 1.说一下RAC和单节点数据库的区别有哪些?你认为RAC最有用的功能是说什么?单节点数据库是单实例数据库,rac是多实例数据库;rac可以通过多实例实现负载均衡,节点冗余;rac虽然功能更强大,但是管理更复杂。 rac最有用的功能是能有效防止主机单点故障。 2.用ps命令查到属于crs集群...
其他:数据探索(readfile、exploredat、explorefft)、去分散规划(DDplan.py)、日期转换(mjd2cal、cal2mjd)、大量 Python pulsar/astro 库、平均脉冲创建、通量密度估计等等…… 发布单脉冲搜索工具:分组算法(rrattrap.py),生成和单脉冲诊断图(make_spd.py、plot_spd.py和waterfaller.py< /代码>)。
PrestoZL is a highly optimized, GPU-based pulsar search and analysis software developed by the team at the Astronomical Computing Research Center of Zhejiang Lab. It was developped based on the Scott Ransom's PRESTO v4.0. The key difference between them lies in the GPU optimization of the most...
INSTALL.md README.md check_meson_build.py determine_version.py meson.build README GPL-2.0 license PRESTO is a large suite of pulsar search and analysis software developed primarily by Scott Ransom mostly from scratch, and released under the GPL (v2). It was primarily designed to efficiently ...
You are right I am using a deployment that uses a readinessProbeGET /v1/clusterwhich worked for Presto 329 but not the Pulsar 334. I'm guessing this changed but is unrelated to the connector as you said. So I removed the probes for now and I got a bit further. ...
A GPU accelerated branch of presto, open source pulsar search and analysis toolkit. http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~sransom/presto/ - jintaoluo/presto_on_gpu