View full details Read reviews Watch videos Special offer.Donizetti: La Fille du Régiment Recommended Natalie Dessay (Marie), Juan Diego Flórez (Tonio), Felicity Palmer (La Marquise de Birkenfeld), Alessandro Corbelli (Sulpice), Donald Maxwell (Hortensius), Dawn French (La Duchesse de Cracken...
Rachel Podger (violin/director) Brecon Baroque This crack squad of first-rate period-instrument musicians gives lithe, polished and devoted performances that make a convincing case for a one-to-a-part "orchestra". Indeed, so full-bodied...—Graham Rogers,, 30th November 2010More…...
an almost Arcadian vision. ‘High on a Rocky Ledge’ reminds me of a song from the recent TV adaptation of Philip K Dick'sThe Man in the High Castle- a very slow, crackly recording ofEdelweissthat they play over the credits.
That’s kind of what I was trying to do too: take the Cavafy text and crack it apart a little by having someone play the hidden, undreamt-of body and all these fantastic turns of phrase… Do you have plans to work together again? NP:One of the concrete projects that’s been born ...
Interested parties can view the entire score as a pdf on Dutron’s own website – as yet it remains unpublished, but I’m sure I won’t be the only musician who’d welcome the chance to have a crack at performing this new (and yes, I’ll stick my neck out and say ‘improved’!