PresentSimpleorPresentContinuous IteachEnglish.IamteachingEnglish.Thisismyjob.ThisiswhatIamdoingatthemoment.IamteachingyouEnglish.Let’scontinuewithsomemoreexamples...TheyliveintheUSA.Iamstudyingfortheexamsthesedays.What’sthedifference?TheyliveintheUSA.meansthattheyliveintheUSAallthetime.Itisapermanentstate...
Present Continuous & Present Simple or Present Continuous worksheet Present simple/present continuous worksheets: Present Simple or Continuous Level:elementary Age:12-17 Downloads:6519 Present Simple or Present Continuous? Level:elementary Age:10-14 ...
Grammar:Present Simple vs Present Continuous worksheet Present simple/present continuous worksheets: Level:elementary Age:12-17 Downloads:6519 Present Simple or Present Continuous? Level:elementary Age:10-14 Downloads:4359 Present Simple - Present Continuous Crossword ...
In this blog post, we will explore a variety of worksheets that focus specifically on this grammar concept, providing you with opportunities to strengthen your knowledge and usage of the present continuous tense in English. Table of Images 👆 Simple Present Progressive Worksheet Simple Present ...
present continuous You can test your understanding of the difference between the simple present and the present continuous with the worksheet below. Fill in one of the two options in each sentence. Practice questions Answers and explanations I ___ every morning before work. [run/am running...
English perfect tenses grammar exercises - Simple perfect tenses vs perfect continuous tenses worksheet with answers (Future perfect progressive, past perfect progressive, present perfect progressive)
English Verb Tenses Practice - Simple present vs present progressive (present continuous) tense worksheet with vocabulary at GrammarBank
Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous worksheet Present simple/present continuous worksheets: Present Simple or Continuous Level:elementary Age:12-17 Downloads:6533 Present Simple or Present Continuous? Level:elementary Age:10-14 Downloads:4369 ...
present simple or present continuous worksheetPresent simple/present continuous worksheets: Present Simple or Continuous Level: elementary Age: 12-17 Downloads: 6533 Present Simple or Present Continuous? Level: elementary Age: 10-14 Downloads: 4368 Present Simple - Pre...
Sts have to look at the pictures and complete the sentences using the simple present or continuous. Hope you like it