Grammar:Present Simple vs Present Continuous worksheet Present simple/present continuous worksheets: Level:elementary Age:12-17 Downloads:6519 Present Simple or Present Continuous? Level:elementary Age:10-14 Downloads:4359 Present Simple - Present Continuous Crossword ...
PresentSimpleorPresentContinuous IteachEnglish.IamteachingEnglish.Thisismyjob.ThisiswhatIamdoingatthemoment.IamteachingyouEnglish.Let’scontinuewithsomemoreexamples...TheyliveintheUSA.Iamstudyingfortheexamsthesedays.What’sthedifference?TheyliveintheUSA.meansthattheyliveintheUSAallthetime.Itisapermanentstate...
Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous worksheet Present simple/present continuous worksheets: Present Simple or Continuous Level:elementary Age:12-17 Downloads:6533 Present Simple or Present Continuous? Level:elementary Age:10-14 Downloads:4369 ...
Present Continuous Printable Exercises Present Continuous Worksheet Present Perfect Tense Worksheet ESL Simple Present Worksheets Present Continuous Tense Worksheet Present Perfect Continuous Worksheet Present Continuous Worksheet Spanish Present Progressive Tense Worksheets Present Progressive Spanish Worksheet Yes No ...
Examples: Simple present passive constructionsReturned books are inspected by the librarian. The stray cat is fed by everyone in the neighborhood. I am allowed to be here. Worksheet: Simple present vs. present continuous You can test your understanding of the difference between the simple present ...
English Verb Tenses Practice - Simple present vs present progressive (present continuous) tense worksheet with vocabulary at GrammarBank
What’s the difference? Present Simple Present Continuous 1)I read books everyday. 2)You like bananas. 3) She likes pizza. He goes to a fitness centre on Sundays. I am reading a book now. You are watching TV at the moment. He/she/it is doing homework now. ...
simple past / past simple past continuous / past progressive past perfect The present continuous and past continuous tenses (also called present progressive and past progressive) are used when we are describing actions that continue for a period of time in the present or in the past. To form...
Language Focus: A review of the Past Simple, the Present Perfect (Simple), and the Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous) Worksheet Download:present-perfect-past-simple-worksheet.docx(scroll down to study the exercises online) Jump to: Present Simple (below),Present Progressive,Exercises ...
(getting no points if the action ends before they finish speaking, as that would make the tense incorrect), or shout out Present Continuous sentences from their worksheet when they think they are true. The last of those activities can be good practice for typical confusions like “...