Spiritually Preparing for Advent, Christmas
Ever tried to prepare in one morning for a trip — mothers chasing children, children chasing one another — whooping, hollering, dancing — noise dust and babble. Eventually a whole mass, like a vibrating amoeba, moves along in the direction of Succoth, 35 miles away." or,Exodus 18:13-...
Many of My people have not prepared physically or spiritually. They do not realize their lack of preparation may cost them their earthly and eternal lives. Many have no resources to prepare physically, but they have prepared spiritually and I will provide for their every need until I bring the...
Though many generations have had transitional periods as they discerned adulthood trajectories, emerging adults today now spend a decade or more somewhere between their adolescence and young adulthood. While emerging adulthood can be a time of personal optimism and hope for the future, it is also ...
I hope it helps you and the house church you’re part of grow spiritually and numerically. What about you? Do you have kids in your house church? How has that process been? What has worked and what hasn’t? Let me know in the comments below. Photo Credit: Man in White Shirt ...
In the 90’s as we awakened to world events and fulfilling prophecies we were impressed to prepare not only spiritually but also physically for the times we live in, and for the crucial times that are coming! We began to transition to a lifestyle of “preparedness” where we could provide...
In the 90’s as we awakened to world events and fulfilling prophecies we were impressed to prepare not only spiritually but also physically for the times we live in, and for the crucial times that are coming! We began to transition to a lifestyle of “preparedness” where we could provide...