大量临床试验证明:PrEP 能够有效预防HIV感染。研究表明¹ ²,在按时按量服药的情况下,PrEP能够降低9...
恩曲他滨替诺福韦片,作为一款治疗HIV-1感染和预防HIV-1暴露前预防(PrEP)的复方制剂,其主要成分是恩曲他滨和富马酸替诺福韦二吡呋酯。这款药品在临床试验中展现了良好的疗效和安全性,但也存在一些需要注意的副作用和禁忌症。 在HIV-1感染的治疗方面,恩曲他滨替诺福韦片适用于与其他抗反转录病毒药物联用,治疗...
PrEP是英文pre-exposure prophylaxis 的缩写,也就是中文的暴露前预防性治疗,是有高风险感染HIV人群的人...
至少每3个月检测一次HIV和性病,每6个月检测一次肌酐清除率。MSM人群建议每年检测一次丙肝。 不规范进行HIV暴露前预防(PrEP)案例分享: 青艾诊所的客户M先生,于2021年6月17日来我诊所就诊,自述一天前自测HIV抗体疑似阳性,已经自服PrEP一个月,服药方案不规则...
艾博卫注射剂PrEP说明书 What Is Injectable HIV PrEP?CLINICIANS’ QUICK GUIDE The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved one injectable pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medication: cabotegravir (CAB) 600 mg (brand name Apretude®). CAB is a single antiretroviral drug given as an ...
Pre-exposure prophylaxis—or PrEP for short—is the term for the use of HIV medications to prevent an HIV infection before it occurs. It has been a strategy approved in the United States since 2012, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the pill Truvada for use as PrEP. ...
PrEP Prevents HIV -- So Where Are the Prescriptions for Women, Sex Workers and Drug Users?Heather Boerner
Research and clinical perspectives on the usage of, and access to, HIV medications for the prevention of HIV transmission.
Descovy is a brand-name oral tablet that’s prescribed to treat HIV and lower the risk of contracting HIV. Descovy contains two active ingredients: emtricitabine and tenofovir alafenamide. Descovy is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to: Treat HIV: Descovy is FDA-approved for ...
PrEP, a drug used to reduce the risk ofHIVtransmission, will be made “routinely available across England,” according to astatementfrom the Department of Health published today (March 15). The provision of the drug is due to start later this year, and comes at the en...