To prevent HIV infection, you now have several PrEP medications to choose from. Which one is right for you?
For people who inject drugs, PrEP is indicated for those who share injection equipment. PrEP Medications In a randomized clinical trial of 2499 men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women assigned to receive the daily oral TDF/FTC pill or placebo, 36 of 1251 in the TDF...
根据现有研究,每日服药方案在各类高危人群均证实具有良好预防HIV效果。而按需服药仅在MSM中观察到良好效果。[3-6] 2-1-1 服用方案 目前国际上推荐的PrEP药物 The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved three medications for use as Pr...
some may be less comfortable discussing sexual behavior and conducting risk assessments. Many are likely not to be experienced with prescribing HIV medications, and they might have apprehensions about medication toxicities and drug resistance, as well as concerns about insurance and other financial barri...
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medication is a key component of the HIV prevention strategy in the US, which has been demonstrated to be highly effective in preventing HIV acquisition among individuals at risk. Two PrEP medications are currently approved: emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (...
Even though highly effective medications are currently available to prevent HIV, there are about 1.3 million new infections worldwide each year. Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, of the University of California San Francisco joins JAMA Senior Editor Karen E. Lasser, MD, MPH, to discuss preexposure prophyl...
This proposed rule's publication coincided with new guidance around reducing barriers to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medications, commonly used for HIV prevention, and improving coverage for chest wall reconstruction tied to mastectomies. CMS also addressed exceptions processes. These processesallo...
Two current medications approved by the FDA for use as PrEP include Truvada and Descovy. Each may be a better option for various patients based on their overall health and conditions. Truvada can be used for people at risk of HIV virus through sex or injection drug use, whereas Descov...
HIV-1 treatment in combination with other HIV medications in: adults and children who weigh at least 77 pounds (35 kg) children who weigh at least 31 pounds (14 kg) and less than 77 pounds (35 kg) together with specific other HIV-1 medicines.Important...
Antiretroviral medications can be taken by HIV-negative persons to prevent HIV infection, also known as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). PrEP was first shown to be effective during the iPrEX study. We conducted a survey involving HIV healthcare providers to document their attitudes and prescribing...