2. Find the correct fuel:oil ratio and oil Different premix 2 stroke engines/motors take different amounts of oil per litre (gallon) of fuel as well as different grades of oil. For optimal performance, make sure you read the manual and use the right ratio and oil specification. ...
Useful for: Two-stroke (two-cycle) engines that require the user to premix the gas with a specific amount of oil. Given a ratio of gas to oil, the user needs to calculate the amount of oil to be added to the amount of gas they have. ...
Useful for: Two-stroke (two-cycle) engines that require the user to premix the gas with a specific amount of oil. Given a ratio of gas to oil, the user needs to calculate the amount of oil to be added to the amount of gas they have. Many applications, including: Golf carts, ...
Useful for: Two-stroke (two-cycle) engines that require the user to premix the gas with a specific amount of oil. Given a ratio of gas to oil, the user needs to calculate the amount of oil to be added to the amount of gas they have. Many applications, including: Golf carts, Motorcy...