Amal Bass, staff attorney at the Women's Law Project in Philadelphia, says there's been an uptick in pregnancy-related discrimination cases at work. "We do receive more calls now than we did a couple of years ago related to pregnancy discrimination in the workplace," Bass explains. Reporter...
The Flood of Pregnancy Discrimination Cases: Balancing the Interests of Pregnant Women and Their EmployersJennifer Yue
a professor of sociology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Center for Employment Equity, analyzed all 26,656 pregnancy discrimination charges filed with the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and state Fair Employment Practices Agencies between 2012 and 2016. ...
The discrimination started right from childhood as soon as they manifested the diseases. Maternal mortality in women with epilepsy was considered to be high. However, it was noted that epilepsy was not aggravated by the pregnancy and women with epilepsy breastfeed their children similarly to their ...
Despite the intricate nature of RPL examined in this study, the discrimination power demonstrates good performance. Furthermore, when compared with another study17 on serum markers for predicting miscarriage, dual markers (estradiol and progesterone; AUC = 0.871) or three markers (hCG, estradiol...
(poverty, education level, experiences of discrimination, Perceived Stress scale, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression scale, State-Trait Anxiety Index-Trait scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support); and multi-substance quantitative urine toxicology performed for research purposes [21,22,23,24,...
States, when screening for sickle-cell trait (carrier state) was actively promoted and exacerbated discrimination against Afro-Americans in employment. So the social context within which carrier screening is made available can be a highly charged political issue; clinicians and scientists should beware....
Developing tools to report racism in maternal health for the CDC Maternal Mortality Review Information Application (MMRIA): findings from the MMRIA Racism & Discrimination Working Group. Matern Child Health J. 2022;26(4):661-669. doi:10.1007/s10995-021-03284-3 PubMedGoogle Sc...
Belle DDoucet J Poverty, inequality, and discrimination as sources of depression among US women. Psychol Women Q 2003;27101- 113Google Scholar 109. Grote NKBledsoe SEWellman JBrown C Depression in African American and white women with low incomes: the role of chronic stress. Soc Work Public...
The symbolic value of the gesture is significant in terms of equality, the status of women and pregnancy discrimination” (F, individual endurance sport). The next excerpt conveyed a similar message, “For me, it would only serve as a great example that you can have children during a ...