预取大小(Prefetch size) 指定当执行数据预取时将从表空间读取的页数。预取操作在查询引用所需的数据之前读入这些数据… www.loveunix.net|基于46个网页 2. 预取宽度 记忆体种类探究 -... ... 传输率( Transfer Rate,Unit:Mbps)预取宽度(Prefetch Size) 爆发资料长度( Burst length) ... ...
正如PTX文档中所描述的那样,level::prefetch_size只是一个performance hint,我们不能假设使用这个qualifier后,Kernel具有预期的预取行为。 本文通过实验的方式,对近几代Nvidia GPU的预取行为进行了分析,事实上,level::prefetch_size这个qualifier还可以用于异步拷贝指令cp.async,这里先留个坑,如果后续有时间和精力的话,笔...
Create the table space with a specific prefetch size. If you manually choose a value for the prefetch size, you need to remember to adjust the prefetch size whenever there is an adjustment in the number of containers associated with the table space. When the dft_prefetch_sz database configur...
Usage For table function monitoring, this element always reports the actual value for the table space prefetch size. For snapshot monitoring, if automatic prefetch size is enabled, this element reports the value "-1" in thetablespaceLogical Data Grouping, and the actual value is reported in the...
I was experimenting with the Channel.Qos function and discovered that the only legal value of prefetch_size is zero. Any other value results in: error: Exception (540) Reason: "NOT_IMPLEMENTED - prefetch_size!=0 (1)": failed to set QoS o...
For read operations, the synchronous memory device internally reads data corresponding to the largest supported prefetch size, and outputs read data corresponding to the current mode. For write operations the synchronous memory accepts write data corresponding to the selected prefetch mode and writes ...
prefetch size 的缺省值如下: • persistent queues (defaultvalue:1000) • non-persistent queues (defaultvalue:1000) • persistent topics (defaultvalue:100) • non-persistent topics (defaultvalue: Short.MAX_VALUE -1) 慢消费者会在非持久的 topics 和 queue上导致问题:一旦消息积压起来,会导致 broker...
script.js被优先下载, size 列的解压字节不再为 0,即preload除了把脚本下载了下来,还进行了解析 控制台目前仍为空,即脚本虽然被解析,但并没有运行 点击Add Script,网络选项卡并没有增加任何记录,但是控制台输出了脚本的打印内容 因为脚本已经解析完成,所以连从缓存获取都不需要了,直接运行即可 ...
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Prefetchsize determines the number of pages read from disk during a prefetch request and is usually set to a multiple of the extentsize. 预取大小决定在发出预取请求时,从磁盘读取的页面数目,通常将之设置为多个区段大小。 www.ibm.com 2. In addition, the SET statement is allowed by Adaptive Server...