批量下载 prefetch --option-file /path/SRR_Acc_List.txt --max-size 200G -O /path/you/define单个下载 prefetch SRR123456 -O /path/you/define
Transport: one of: fasp; http; both. (fasp only; http only; first try fasp (ascp), use http if cannot download using fasp). Default: both -N|--min-size <size> Minimum file size to download in KB (inclusive). -X|--max-size <size> Maximum file size to download in KB (exclusive...
max_inflight:控制未完成 I/O 的最大数量 inflight / completed:统计进行中或已完成的 I/O 数量 长度为 size 的定长队列 queue,配合头尾指针 head / tail 实现循环使用;队列中记录每次预读请求对应的 WAL 日志记录序列号 lsn 和是否发出 I/O 请求的标识 io;队尾是最旧的预读请求 /* * A simple circula...
"srapub|SRR13336836","accession": "SRR13336836","type": "sra","name": "SRR13336836","size": 505702978... RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload Referrer-Policy: origin-when-cross-origin Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-r...
getMaxSizeInBytes()); } } if (messageBatch.getCount() > 0) { senderClient.sendMessages(messageBatch); System.out.println("Sent a batch of messages to the topic: " + topicName); } // close the client senderClient.close(); } } 参考资料 Service Bus Explorer:https://github.com/...
System.err.printf("Message is too large for an empty batch. Skipping. Max size: %s.", messageBatch.getMaxSizeInBytes()); } } if (messageBatch.getCount() > 0) { senderClient.sendMessages(messageBatch); System.out.println("Sent a batch of messages to the topic: " + topicName); ...
System.err.printf("Message is too large for an empty batch. Skipping. Max size: %s.", messageBatch.getMaxSizeInBytes()); } } if (messageBatch.getCount() > 0) { senderClient.sendMessages(messageBatch); System.out.println("Sent a batch of messages to the topic: " + topicName); ...
这个可以理解为对外层flux的操作,可以看到onSubscribe的时候,其内部request的大小为Operators.unboundedOrPrefetch(maxConcurrency),也就是第一个参数concurrency 在onNext操作里头,对里头的flux使用了FlatMapInnerFlatMapInnerstatic final class FlatMapInner<R> implements InnerConsumer<R>, Subscription { FlatMapInner(...
args.put("x-max-length", 10); channel.queueDeclare("myqueue", false, false, false, args); 1. 2. 3. 2. 队列中的消息投递给消费者时的处理 当rabbitmq要将队列中的一条消息投递给消费者时,会遍历该队列上的消费者列表,选一个合适的消费者,然后将消息投递出去。其中挑选消费者的一个依据就是看消...
enable_prefetch_ofr_property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX-1]='\0'; enable_prefetcher_ofr =strtod(enable_prefetch_ofr_property,NULL);// if PID < 0 consider it as playback operationif(msg->pid <0) {intittr =0;char*week_day =NULL; week_day = (char*)malloc(6*sizeof(char));// Insert package...