PrefabStageUtility位于UnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagement命名空间下,这可能意味着它是一个实验性功能,可能在未来的Unity版本中有所变更或移除。 如果你的项目需要在多个Unity版本之间保持兼容性,请考虑使用更稳定的功能或API。 综上所述,你需要确保: 使用正确的类名PrefabStageUtility。 导入正确的命名空间UnityEdit...
Unpacking throws an ArgumentException if the given object is not the root of a Prefab instance, or if it’s part of a Prefab Asset. This does not include Prefab contents opened in Prefab Mode.InteractionMode 确定是否应该可以撤销该操作。
Parameter value does not update correctly if changed by dragging in a Script Component when editing in Prefab Mode - Nov 20, 2023 1. Open the attached "" project 2. In the Project window, double-click on the "Assets/Prefabs/Cube" Prefab t...
Actual results: Tracked Pose Driver (Input System) bindings on a prefab become lost upon exiting editing the Prefab Reproducible on: Input System 1.6.1 (2021.3.27f1, 2022.3.2f1, 2023.1.0f1, 2023.2.0a18) Notes: -This does not occur when using a reference to an...
1、打开第一篇示例中包含我们的Cube的SubScene(New Sub Scene.unity),将Cube拖到Asset视图中做成Prefab 2、回到SampleScene中,将New Sub Scene删除,并创建一个新的空SubScene,命名为Spawner 3、打开Spawner SubScene,在其中添加一个空的GameObject,命名为Spawner ...
Note: Find does not perform a recursive descend down a Transform hierarchy. Even better would actually be to simply referenced it via the Inspector and not useFindat all (see below)! And still: DoNOTuse it inUpdate.. rather store the referencesONCEat the beginning. Currentl...
Unpacking throws an ArgumentException if the given object is not the root of a Prefab instance, or if it’s part of a Prefab Asset. This does not include Prefab contents opened i Prefab Mode.InteractionMode determines if the action should be undoable. Copyright © 2020 Unity Technologies. ...
Retrieves the event data at the given index as a UpdatePrefabInstancesEventArgs. Throws an exception if the event type requested does not match the event stored in the stream.
Delete and Unpack prefab asset does not unpack all the prefab instances in the sceneScene Management - Aug 25, 2021 Steps: 1. Open attached project 2. Open TestScene 3. Multiselect all the prefabs in Project Browser 4. Delete and Unpack ==> Some of the instances are not...
UnityEditor.ProjectBrowser:DeleteSelectedAssets (bool)" "[Worker0] CheckConsistency: Component Transform has PrefabInstance different from its game object 'Cube 1'. Fixing by settings PrefabInstance to None" Reproduced with: 2021.2.0b7, 2022.1.0a9 Does not reproduce with: 2...