Unable to instantiate prefab. Prefab may be broken. UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility:HierarchyWindowDrag(HierarchyProperty, Boolean, HierarchyDropMode) UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr) 解决方案:用记事本打开对应的预制体并做出以下修改: 1.将“m_SourcePrefab”改为“m_ParentPrefab”...
将Prefab资源导入Unity的时候,一切正常,当拖拽的时候,突然给了一个警告 Unable to instantiate prefab. Prefab may be broken. 然后就一直找论坛解决问题..然后https://answers.unity.com/questions/1562622/unable-to-instantiate-prefab-prefab-may-be-broken-1.html 有为大佬给出解决办法: the simplest solution f...
5. Create -> Prefab Variant 6. Delete Root Cube Prefab 7. Try to delete Cube Prefab Variant Actual Result: Delete option is disabled when right-clicked on Prefab Variant Expected Result: Prefab Variant should be able to delete even after Root Prefab is deleted...
Unable to instantiate prefab. Prefab may be broken. UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility:HierarchyWindowDrag(HierarchyProperty, Boolean, HierarchyDropMode) UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr) 解决方案:用记事本打开对应的预制体并做出以下修改: 1.将“m_SourcePrefab”改为“m_ParentPrefab”...
How to reproduce: 1. Open project "AddressablesBug" 2. Open the "Test" Scene 3. Enter the Play Mode 4. Observe the Console window Ex...