Constitutional Dimensions of Predictive Algorithms in Criminal JusticeBrenner, MichaelSuk Gersen, JeannieHaley, MichaelLin, MatthewMerchant, AmilJagdishwar Millett, RichardSarkar, Suproteem K.Wegner, DrewHarvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review...
Second, predictive analytics are increasingly implemented within systems of control and power—particularly in the market. As Ari Waldman correctly states, “[u]sing algorithms to make commercial and social decisions is really a story about power, the people who have it, and how it affects the ...
I’ve recently been covering the widening use of predictive algorithms in modern-day police work, which frequently has been compared to the “pre-crime” we have seen indystopian fiction. However, what is not being discussed as often are the many examples of how faulty this data still is. ...
To achieve this, Predictive Analytics algorithms are run to analyse various different data sources that can give insight into what are people interested in these days and what can heighten their curiosity. The data sources for doing Predictive Analytics can include search engine results, video views...
Büchner, Stefanie (2022): Sozialverwaltungen, in: Maja Apelt/Veronika Tacke (Hrsg.), Handbuch Organisationstypen, 2. Aufl. Wiesbaden: Springer (im Erscheinen). Caplan, Robyn/boyd, danah (2018): Isomorphism through Algorithms. Institutional dependencies in the case of Facebook. Big Data &...
Additionally, it’s not clear that the task of classifying text documents involves the type of complexity where deep learning has a real advantage, so it is doubtful that deep learning would be beneficial compared to other classification algorithms for analyzing text documents in TAR (identifying ...
Programs vary, and the algorithms are often proprietary, but they all aim to ingest vast stores of data — geography, criminal records, the weather, social media histories — and make predictions about individuals or places likely to be involved in a crime. In the following years, many start...
Menghan Chen is speaking in the following session: Using Statistical Modeling to Predict Workforce Attrition Daniel Chung Data Scientist Daniel is a Data Scientist at Atlassian, part of the Search and Smarts Engineering group that develops search capabilities and smarts algorithms to power the suite of...
Surfing reality, hype, and propaganda: an empirical comparative analysis on predictive software in criminal justiceArtificial IntelligencePredictive softwareCriminal lawComparative lawThis article aims to explore the hype surrounding AI, particularly in predictive algorithms used in law enforcement and judicial...
Predictive Policing: Utopia or Dystopia? On attitudes towards the use of Big Data algorithms for law enforcementdoi:10.7238/idp.v0i30.3223PREDICTIVE policingLAW enforcementBIG dataCRIMINAL investigationUTOPIASTECHNOLOGICAL revolutionThe use of predictive AI tools to improve decision-making...