生存资料的IDI计算使用survIDINRI包计算。 # 安装R包 install.packages("survIDINRI") 1. 2. 加载R包并使用,还是用上面的pbc数据集。 library(survIDINRI) ## Loading required package: survC1 1. 2. # 使用部分数据 dat <- pbc[1:312,] dat$status <- ifelse(dat$status==2, 1, 0) # 0表...
library(DAAG) lm.reg<-lm(Employed~GNP+Unemployed+Armed.Forces+Population+Year,data=longley) vif(lm.reg, digits=4) GNP Unemployed Armed.Forces Population Year 1034.000 23.260 3.152 225.700 732.600 膨胀因子大多大于10,存在严重的相关性 一般来说kappa大于1000,或vif大于10说明存在复共线性。 (car包中的)...
Install the nycflights13 package to use the code in this tutorial. R install.packages("nycflights13") R # Load the packageslibrary(tidymodels)# For tidymodels packageslibrary(nycflights13)# For flight data Explore the data Thenycflights13data has information about 325,819 flights that arrived ...
Use of Naive Bayes to Predict SSEC Direction in R library(quantmod) library(WindR) library(tidyverse) library(lubridate) library(ggplot2) library(naivebayes) w.start() SSEC<-w.wsd("000001.SH","open,high,low,close","2010-01-01","2020-07-18") SSEC<-xts(SSEC$Data[,2:5],order.by=a...
library(easyTCGA) getsnvmaf("TCGA-BLCA") 药敏数据还是和上面一样的,把突变数据直接加载进来就可以进行计算了。 因为这里使用的是突变数据不是拷贝数变异,所以需要更改参数cnv=F,其他完全一样: load(file = "G:/easyTCGA_test/output_snv/TCGA-BLCA_maf.rdata") ...
Static code analyses with lintr lintr found the following 90 potential issues: messagenumber of times Avoid library() and require() calls in packages 11 Lines should not be more than 80 characters. 79 5. Other Checks Details of other checks (click to open) ✖️ The following 3 functi...
library(gaussplotR)## Load the sample data setdata(gaussplot_sample_data)## The raw data we'd like to use are in columns 1:3samp_dat<-gaussplot_sample_data[,1:3]### Example 1: Unconstrained elliptical ### This fits an unconstrained elliptical by defaultgauss_fit_ue<-fit_gaussian_...
where λ is the regularization parameter that controls the overall strength of the regularization, α is the mixing parameter that controls the balance between L1 and L2 regularization with α values closer to zero to result in sparser models (lasso regression α = 1, ridge regression α ...
David R. NelsonAnthony J. Thomas JrAshok AgarwalJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.Journal of AndrologyBedaiwy MA, Sharma RK, Alhussaini TK, Nelson DR, Mohamed MS, Abdel-Aleem AM, et al. The use of novel semen quality scores to predict pregnancy in couples with male-factor infertility undergoing ...
r语言中随机森林中predict函数 library(data.table) library(randomForest) data <- iris str(data) #交叉验证,使用rf预测sepal.length k = 5 data$id <- sample(1:k, nrow(data), replace = TRUE) list <- 1:k # 每次迭代的预测用数据框,测试用数据框 ...