4. mutate:创建新字段 # 新增 pop_new 字段 gapminder %>% mutate(pop_new = pop / 1000000)# ...
newdata是由预测值构成的数据框,当newdata为默认值时预测已有数据的主成分值。例如 predict( )...
predict.lm produces predicted values, obtained by evaluating the regression function in the frame newdata (which defaults to model.frame(object). If the logical se.fit is TRUE, standard errors of the predictions are calculated. If the numeric argument scale is set (with optional df), it is ...
learner$predict_newdata(newdata) ## <PredictionRegr> for 9 observations: ## row_ids truth response ## 1 NA 26.66364 ## 2 NA 19.74286 ## 3 NA 15.10000 ## --- ## 7 NA 26.66364 ## 8 NA 19.74286 ## 9 NA 15.10000 1. 2.
括号内的选项告诉R,预测应该基于mylogit分析,预测变量的值来自newdata1,预测的类型是预测的概率(type="response")。代码的第二行列出数据框newdata1中的值。这是预测概率的表格。 predict(mylogit, newdata, type) 在上面的输出中,我们看到,在保持gre和gpa的平均值的情况下,来自最高声望的本科院校(排名=1)的...
bind_cols(predict(bayes_fit, new_data = new_points)) %>% bind_cols(predict(bayes_fit, new_data = new_points, type = "conf_int")) ggplot(bayes_plot_data, aes(x = food_regime)) + geom_point(aes(y = .pred)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = .pred_lower, ymax = .pred_upper), ...
newdat <- data.frame( pared = rep(0:1, 200), public = rep(0:1, each = 200), gpa = rep(seq(from = 1.9, to = 4, length.out = 100), 4)) newdat <- cbind(newdat, predict(m, newdat, type = "probs")) ##show first few rows ...
Characterisation of the non-5-HT3 high-affinity 'R' binding site for (R)-zacopride in brain and other tissues As expected from their glial location, the density of R sites increased in the rat hippocampus lesioned with kainic or ibotenic acid to induced local gl... EJ Kidd,JC Levy,M ...
, @input_data_1_name = N'rentals', @output_data_1_name = N'rental_predictions', @params = N'@model varbinary(max)', @model= @modelWITHRESULTSETS(("RentalCount_Predicted"FLOAT));END; GO 使用新数据执行模型 现在,可使用存储过程predict_rentalcount_new来预测新数据的租借计数。