Op amps for... ST's precision operational amplifiers offer features ranging from micropower consumption, to zero-drift, rail-to-rail, low-voltage offset, high voltage and low input bias current. Our op amp portfolio strengths are: The largest micropower op amp portfolio on the market, with ...
This model makes sense for traditional op amps that have IBN and IBI nearly equal. This means that, in this case, IB is much larger than IOS. This happens because these currents are caused by similar physically phenomena (e.g., matched transistor pair with similar input bias currents). ...
Another option is an amplifier-based circuit that I discussed in a previous article on how to design a simple, voltage-controlled, bidirectional current source. An amplifier-based circuit is vaguely reminiscent of the two-op-amp topology, but one of the amplifiers is an instrumentation amp rather...
Precision triangular-wave gene-This application note outlines the implementation of a single-supply, triangular wave oscillator using the MAX9000 and some passive components. The application circuit uses an op amp, comparator, and a voltage reference as
In a typical op amp circuit, part of the output is fed back to the inverting input. In this way, output errors can be corrected via the feedback path to improve accuracy. The combination shown in Figure 1 also offers a separate feedback path for amplifier 2, although it...
Another limitation on this circuit is that the output resistance is defined by R1, which needs to be at least a few hundred ohms in order to limit the output of current in the op amp output. Some ADCs need to be driven by a low resistance so buffer amp U3 might be r...
–IN _ VOUT A1 +IN + NULL C1 S S = SAMPLE Z = AUTO-ZERO SZ C2 Z _ A2 NULL + Figure 2: Modern Auto-Zero (Chopper-Stabilized) Op Amp In this circuit, A1 is the main amplifier, and A2 is the nulling amplifier. In the sample mode (switches in "S" position), the nulling ...
First, it protects the op amp input in the event of overload. Second, it insures that an overload will not give a false meter indication until it exceeds a couple hundred volts. Since the reference is bootstrapped to the input, this circuit is easily converted into a linear, direct-...
To mitigate this, a good rule of thumb is to design for most of the gain to be applied in the first stage of the amplifier circuit. This technique ensures that most of the output noise and Voso is due to the first op amp stage, with minimal contributions from later stages. In this ...
Comprehensive library of op amp sub-circuit ideas that you can easily adapt to meet your specific system needs - including a free e-book E-book Analog Engineer’s Pocket Reference Guide Fifth Edition (Rev. C) E-book that puts commonly used analog formulas at your fingertips (registration requ...