'-mvirtualenv','C:\\Users\\Administrator\\.cache\\pre-commit\\repokaf8xb0i\\py_env-python3.7','-p','c:\\programdata\\anaconda3\\python.exe')returncode:1expectedreturncode:0stdout:FileNotFoundError:[Errno2]No such fileor
soucetree 中.husky/pre-commit: line 4: npx: command not found 之前在node官网,下载node存到本地进行安装(npx默认路径/usr/local/bin/npx),由于不同项目使用node版本不同,所以选择了卸载node安装nvm,使用nvm切换不同的node版本,导致之前可以提交的代码的sourcetree,找不到npx命令。 解决方法:找到npx命令所在路...
if[-x"$INSTALL_PYTHON"];thenexec"$INSTALL_PYTHON"-mpre_commit"${ARGS[@]}"elifcommand-v pre-commit>/dev/null;thenexecpre-commit"${ARGS[@]}"elseecho'`pre-commit` not found. Did you forget to activate your virtualenv?'1>&2exit1fi ...
An error has occurred: InvalidConfigError: ===> .pre-commit-config.yaml is not a file Check the log at /root/.cache/pre-commit/pre-commit.log or No .pre-commit-config.yaml file was found - To temporarily silence this, run `PRE_COMMIT_ALLOW_NO_CONFIG=1 git ...` - To permanently ...
https://typicode.github.io/husky/#/?id=command-not-found If you're running Git from an app and the command can be found in your terminal, this means that the PATH in your app is different from your terminal. To solve this, I need to put the PATH of yarn in .huskyrc, but I don...
python、pre-commit、pre-commit.com 在VSCode中使用以下命令成功安装了预提交: python3 -m pip install pre-commit --user 但是当我尝试执行预提交安装时,我得到了错误消息: zsh: command not found: pre-commit 浏览24提问于2020-10-03得票数 4 ...
Git 天生提供了 pre-commit hooks 能力,允许我们预设一些检查脚本在提交前做一些检查。手动编写脚本是...
Running tasksforsrc/**/*.{js,vue} [failed] → Running linters... [failed] × eslint--fix found some errors. Please fix them and try committing again. E:\project\hlwl-siw-pc\src\views\informationManage\sealTemplate.vue333:30error Expected'==='and instead saw'=='eqeqeq338:30error ...
"version":"0.0.0", "description":"ERROR: No README.md file found!", "main":"index.js", "scripts":{ "test":"echo\"Error: I SHOULD FAIL LOLOLOLOLOL\"&& exit 1", "foo":"echo\"fooo\"&& exit 0", "bar":"echo\"bar\"&& exit 0" ...
this page is not intended to be exhaustive the tool must already be fairly popular (>500 stars) the tool must use a managed language (nosystem/script/dockerhooks) the tool must operate on files