针对你遇到的.git/hooks/pre-commit: line 32: node: command not found错误,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认node是否已经安装: 首先,我们需要在命令行中检查node是否已经安装。可以打开终端(Terminal)或命令提示符(Command Prompt),输入以下命令: bash node -v 如果系统返回了node的版本号,说明node已...
解决方法:在pre-commit钩子中,加入对于PATH变量解析 文件路径:.git/hooks/pre-commit #!/bin/sh PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" if [ -f $HOME/.nvm/nvm.sh ] then . $HOME/.nvm/nvm.sh PATH="$HOME/.nvm/versions/node/$(nvm current)/bin:$PATH" fi pnpm lint-staged 原来是这样的 #!/bin/s...
install python 2.7 manually, for example fromhere look into the pre-commit file: maybe it can be updated to use python3 (which would need to be installed then of course) 总结:个人感觉最好的解决办法还是把低版本的python 2.x 装上去,毕竟python3 这个命令命名感觉有点扯淡 参考:...
在Python世界中,使用pre-commit是很常见的,它提供了一个git commit钩子,然后在CI服务器上可以运行pre-commit run --all-files,它将忽略提交并对所有文件运行 然而,在JS世界中,使用Husky + Lint-Staged似乎很常见,它满足了git commit钩子的要求,但似乎没有pre-commit run --all-files的等价物。 浏览14提问于2...
git hooks 提交前检查格式 git config core.hookspath .git/hooks ln -sf …/…/.githooks/pre-commit.sh .git/hooks/pre-commit #!/bin/bash function abort() { local msg=$1 printf "\e[5m\e[1m\e[31m[COMMIT FAILED]\e[0m\e[1m %s\e[0m\n" "$msg"...
Describe the bug I have a .git/hooks/pre-commit which is exactly the following: #!/bin/sh npm test When I commit via GitHub Desktop, it fails: /bin/bash: C:/Program Files/nodejs/npm: No such file or directory It works when committing via...
git checkout -b <branch> In-<branch>-branch Make some change git add . git commit -m...
Describe the bug I have a .git/hooks/pre-commit which is exactly the following: sh #!/bin/sh npm test When I commit via GitHub Desktop, it fails: /bin/bash...
/home/jenkins/hooks 命令 这样在git 在push或者pre-commit使用的钩子就是外置在home/jenkins/hooks的...
.git/hooks/pre-commit: line XXX: node: command not found 在https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12881975/git-pre-commit-hook-failing-in-github-for-mac-works-on-command-line 中有问题分析:使用诸如SourceTree这样的gui,可以访问的环境变量不一样,需要在.git/hooks/pre-commit脚本中加入你的node环境变量...