雖然MBA 之前的實習職缺不多,但是 pre-MBA internship 真的有很多好處: 1. 如果你讀 MBA 是想要轉職,例如你想從科技業轉管理顧問業(Management Consulting), 你可以利用這多出來的機會,試試看管理顧問業,適不適合你、有不有趣。 2. 你找到的實習當然可以在你履歷表上記一筆,比起大部分你的同儕,錄取後到開...
可以看看这类pre-MBA Boot-Camp,3-4个月 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MjEyNTU1MA==&mid=403154902&idx=2&sn=7f2ea63e4758cd531e48bc78426ce20e&3rd=MzA3MDU4NTYzMw==&scene=6#rd 赞 回复 一位游客 (也无风雨也无晴) 楼主 2016-02...
Pre-Scouter’s Co-Founders – Ashish Basuray, Doug Pollina, and Alok Tayi – were fellow Northwestern students. Basuray and Tayi were Ph.D. candidates in Chemistry and Materials Science respectively. Pollina and Gane-Palmer, as the MBA students, were expected to handle the company’s finance...