雖然MBA 之前的實習職缺不多,但是 pre-MBA internship 真的有很多好處: 1. 如果你讀 MBA 是想要轉職,例如你想從科技業轉管理顧問業(Management Consulting), 你可以利用這多出來的機會,試試看管理顧問業,適不適合你、有不有趣。 2. 你找到的實習當然可以在你履歷表上記一筆,比起大部分你的同儕,錄取後到開...
可以看看这类pre-MBA Boot-Camp,3-4个月 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MjEyNTU1MA==&mid=403154902&idx=2&sn=7f2ea63e4758cd531e48bc78426ce20e&3rd=MzA3MDU4NTYzMw==&scene=6#rd 赞 回复 一位游客 (也无风雨也无晴) 楼主 2016-02...
The Astro Postgraduate Scholarship Awards for MBA & Data Science Application opens from 3rd April 2017 to 3rd May 2017 The Astro Postgraduate Scholarship Award Education can transform and inspire people to shape a greater future for themselves, their families, their community and ultimately our cou...
including interest point and feature extraction. Some of these methods are also useful for global and local feature description, particularly the metrics derived from transforms and basis spaces. The focus is on image preprocessing for computer vision, so we do not cover the entire range of image ...